Detego Global is a leading provider of award-winning Digital Forensics, Case Management, and Endpoint Monitoring solutions, trusted by military, law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and enterprises worldwide.

The "512 BYTE" company focuses on data recovery from digital media, developing its own data recovery algorithms to achieve the best possible results and ensure high efficiency.

A global leader in radio frequency (RF) shielding. Manufacturer of shielded enclosures for mobile device analysis, shielded lockers, and Faraday bags.

Is a World-Leading Mobile and Digital Forensic Research Group. We have been dedicated to the development of Mobile Forensic Solution covering the widest range of digital data sources.



GetData is a leading provider of end-user software for data recovery, file recovery, computer forensics, and file preview. GetData software is designed to recover data from computer hard drives, digital cameras, other storage media, and email files.

A software developer that gives law enforcement, government agencies, and businesses the tools they need to solve the challenges of growing digital evidence.

ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of digital forensic tools. The company offers modern solutions for businesses, criminologists and law enforcement agencies, provides training and consulting services in the field of computer, mobile and cloud forensics.