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Main page > Data Analysis and Forensic Tools > JTAG adapters and cables

JTAG adapters and cables for devices and interfaces

JTAG adapters and cables allow you to work in the desired modes without soldering. They are designed for specific devices, they facilitate communication between the phone and the device. They significantly accelerate the work in the laboratory.

JTAG and EMMC adapters and cables make it possible to repair phones with blocked JTAG access, damaged JTAG points or write and read EMMC during data recovery in a very simple way. You will find adapters dedicated to specific devices - manufacturers, but also standalone. They are often used to program eMMC memory chips in phones without soldering.


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JTAG/eMMC ISP 4in1 Adapter Kit MOORC 2018
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JTAG/eMMC ISP 4in1 Adapter Kit MOORC 2018

JTAG/eMMC ISP 4in1 Adapter Kit MOORC 2018 is a set of adapters that offer direct programming (BGA162 / 186, BGA 153/169 and BGA 221) with Riff, Easy Z3x JTAG, ORT, GPG as well as use JTAG communication.


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Price: 14.00 EUR w/o VAT