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Main page > Workshop Equipment > Repair of displays (LCD) > Full Repair sets for OCA/LOCA > Set for repair Touch screen/LCD (LOCA) PR-1000 (7") FULL

Set for repair Touch screen/LCD (LOCA) PR-1000 (7") FULL

Set for repair Touch screen/LCD (LOCA) PR-1000 (7
Price: 385,00 EUR w/o VAT
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ID: 14655

Product weight: 20.00 kg

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Set for repair Touch screen/LCD (LOCA) PR-1000 (7") FULL contains separate machine Scotle PR-1000 and all accessories needed for repair/replace glass in modern Touch Screen LCDs. Did you ever got in your repair center broken glass ? Do you remember how much whole LCD cost even if LCD/digitizer works well only glass was damaged. Now at 1/10 price of whole LCD you can replace to your client broken glass by heating up LCD by this special machine and separate them. Set comes with, special UV 54W lamp, set of 6 XFORM mold for most popular phones (iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4s, Samsung I9100, Samsung I9300, Samsung I9500, Samsung N7100), 12 xFrame LCD mount bracket (i9100, i9300, i9500, i8190, i9200, N7000, N7100, LT25I, Lumia 720, Desire HD, Desire X, One S), LCD Opener, IPA Cleaner 50ml, tube of Kafuter LOCA UV glue 100 m of special molybdenum cutting wire with holders. Set also include nozzle with different diameter 1.55mm, 1.2mm, 0.84mm, 0.6mm, LOCA glue gun allows easier and more precisely dosing LOCA glue on display and holder for LOCA glue gun (height: 20.5 cm) with the stand get rid of any air bubbles that accumulate in the piston. Fits to all LOCA glue packed in 50 g tube.

LCD Separator Scotle PR-1000 400W

Specifications PR-1000:
- Power: 400W
- Power supply 220-240V 50/60Hz
- Controller: Rex-C100
- Tepmperatury range: 0-400C
- Dimensions (LxWxH): 300x170x110mm (height without clamps)
- Dimensions of heating area: 100x200mm
- Weight: 3.64 kg

Lamp UV 54W

Specifications UV Lamp:
- Power: 54W (6x9W)
- Power supply: 220-230V
- Fluorescent tube life: about 8000h
- The width of the pull-out bottom tray: 29.5 cm
- Slide-out bottom tray depth: 14.5 cm
- Height between tray of lamps: 5cm
- Width lamp: 35cm
- Depth lamp: 25cm
- Height lamp: 14.5 cm

Glue Kafuter K-3626L/(K-3626) UV LOCA 50g

Appearance: Transparent liquid
Specific Gravity (25°C, g/cm3): 0.93±0.02
Viscosity (25°C, mPa.s): 1400-1800 (2200-2600)
Refractive Index 25°C: 1.51
Optical Absoprtion, mJ/cm2: > 2000
Durometer, GB/T 531-1999, Shore A: 8~18
Shrinkage, ISO 3521, %: < 2
Transparency, ASTM E903, %: > 99
Shear strength GB 7124-86
Glass/Stainless steel, MPa: 1.1~2
Glass/Glass, MPa: 1.1~2
Glass/Acrylic, MPa: 0.2~0.3
Glass/PC, MPa: 0.1~0.2
Yellowing, ASTM D1925: to 1
Warranty till: 2014-04-12
Recommended cure: 10-15 min on both sides of the display

6pcs XFORM and LCD Opener

- iPhone 5,
- iPhone 4/4s
- Samsung I9100
- Samsung I9300
- Samsung I9500
- Samsung N7100
- LCD Opener (stainless steel a thickness of 0.15 mm)

Why xFORM ?

12 pcs xFrame mount bracket

xFrame Set:
- i9100/i9105
- i9300
- i9500/i9505
- i8190
- i9200
- N7000
- N7100
- LT25I
- Lumia 720
- Desire HD
- Desire X
- One S

Molybdenum Cutting Wire 0.11mm 100m and holder set

Gun, holder and nozzle for glue LOCA 50g

- 4 different diameter 1.55mm, 1.2mm, 0.84mm, 0.6mm
- holder Height: 20.5 cm, hole diameter: 20mm and 28mm

Protection 3M glasses with UV filter

IPA plus 50ml for cleaning LCD

Complete contains::
* LCD Separator Scotle PR-1000 400W
* Lamp UV 54W for LOCA curing
* Glue Kafuter K-3626L/(K-3626) UV LOCA 50g
* LCD Opener
* Molybdenum Cutting Wire 0.11mm 100m
* 4 pcs of nozzless for LOCA glue
* Protection 3M glasses with UV filter
* IPA plus 50ml for cleaning LCD
* high quality of mould/forms 6 form (xForm)
- iPhone 5,
- iPhone 4/4s
- Samsung I9100
- Samsung I9300
- Samsung I9500
- Samsung N7100
* high quality of mounting brackets xFrame
- i9100/i9105
- i9300
- i9500/i9505
- i8190
- i9200
- N7000
- N7100
- LT25I
- Lumia 720
- Desire HD
- Desire X
- One S


We offer 12 months of warranty for this set
Product weight: 20.00 kg.
Delivery time: 3-7 working days
Shipping cost: 196.31 EUR


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