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Main page > Workshop Equipment > Repair of displays (LCD) > Position mould for LCD XFORM > Huawei > XFORM LCD positioning screen mould / template for Huawei P8 Lite (ALE-L21)

XFORM LCD positioning screen mould / template for Huawei P8 Lite (ALE-L21)

XFORM LCD positioning screen mould / template for Huawei P8 Lite (ALE-L21)
Price: 13,00 EUR w/o VAT
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ID: 21702

Product weight: 0.20 kg

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XFORM LCD positioning screen mould / template for Huawei P8 Lite (ALE-L21) is a special refurbishment glueing repair LCD outer glass mould/mold, used in LCD repair services and allows you to make correctly connection beetwen LCD and glass/digitizer in your phone. Maked from 2 types meterial as black Derlin and high quality aluminum alloy, this holder offers high precision in positioning outer glass and LCD while repairing LCD using OCA (OCA adhesive foil/sheet) or LOCA (liquid UV glue) methods. If you will use this mold you can be sure that you will connect your LCD and glass without any problems.

Why XFORMs ?
* additional supporting bar holiding LCD like also additiona element for positioning
* high accuracy of CNC performance and high dimensional stability
* high mechanical strength (high rigidity and hardness), in both forms of POM-C and aluminum
* resistance to UV rays
* made in European Union

Photo of aluminum and delrin xFORM - on photo sample based on myPhoen Cube

Question: Which form choose: POM-C or Aluminum ? What are diffrence
Odpowiedź: Difference is only in material from which forms are made from so POM-C or aluminum. Altought POM-C are very strong many customers prefer to get aluminum one because is more resistant to mechanical damage. both xForm (maked freom POM-C and Aluminum) are suitable for processes LOCA and the OCA.

Example positioning in the xForm maked from POM-C on myPhone Cube phone using the LOCA methode (UV glue liquid):

Example positioning in the XForm from aluminum on myPhone Cube phone using the OCA methode (OCA film):

Complete contains:
- XFORM LCD positioning screen mould / template for Huawei P8 Lite ALE-L21
Product weight: 0.20 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 9.90 EUR



Additional information about this product:

Please be advised that all our xFORM moulds are manufactured with the highest quality material POM-C, ie. TECAFORM AH black delivered from world known German company - Ensinger. We deliver full card Material (Declaration REACh) which is available on request.
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