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File-based data analysis and recovery services are intended for people who have read memory contents. We use the latest solutions available on the market (UFED 4PC, Rusolut VNR, MobilEdit Forensic Express, Oxygen Detective) to recover deleted data by searching the provided device image, including unallocated memory areas.

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Analysis and data recovery from file/data dump provided by the client
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Analysis and data recovery from file/data dump provided by the client

Analysis and data recovery from file/data dump provided by the client is a service offered to people who have already read memory from device eg. NAND, NOR, eMMC, EMCP, UFS and want to make her analysis. We support most file systems, ie. FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, ext2 / ext3 / ext4, YAFSS2, f2fs, JAFFS, TFAT, KFAT as well as most operating systems including Android, Windows Phone, iOS, Symbian, BlackBerry.

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Price: 79.00 EUR w/o VAT
eMMC ISP - pinout search service
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eMMC ISP - pinout search service

eMMC ISP - pinout search service is service addressed to laboratories, investigators and service companies that want to make reading ISP eMMC memory but do not have the appropriate eMMC ISP pinouts, which they can use to read data from device. Our lab will conduct research so that you get ready pinout for eMMC ISP without making any research at their own.

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Price: 199.00 EUR w/o VAT