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SD Monolithic MR42 NAND adapter

5 (1)
SD Monolithic MR42 NAND adapter
Price: 479,00 EUR w/o VAT
Select product properties:
Primary connecting adapter in set: VNR


ID: 22041

Product weight: 0.80 kg

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SD Monolithic MR42 NAND adapter is high quality special adapter for SD cards with 42 pins using NAND protocol without soldering. The MR42 adapter is compatible with devices such as Visual NAND Reconstructor VNR (Rusolut), Flash Extractor (Soft Center) and PC3000 Flash (Ace Laboratory). The adapter replaces the need for any soldering to the card for reading and, thanks to unique solutions, it also enables quick XOR extraction or analysis and configuration of other pinouts than originally provided with the adapter using a logic analyzer. Use of the adapter minimizes the risk of card damage by soldering (ie pad breaking) and faster readings in microSD card technology mode using various NAND programmers.

Support for 42 pins layout SD cards

- made from solid monolith block of TecaFORM-H made in Germany and brushed aluminum for durability.
- printed circuit made with the highest precision of 4mils and gold plated pads to minimize interference
- specially developed PCB tracks routing technology to prevent interference during NAND reading
- special high quality pogo contact pins used which are used for specialized laboratory tests
- ready to work on standard pinout (pinout delivered with adapter) as well as alternative one by special sockets
- different cards size support by special inners
- built-in additional noise filters and VSP pins (where available) to prevent "noise" during NAND readings
- MR adapter can be connected to the SD card reader for faster XOR analysis and extraction (look move below)
- MR adapter can be connected to any LA (Logic Analyzer) to analyze signals and find custom pinouts without need of soldering

Compatible with devices of world leaders in data recovery:
- Visual NAND Reconstructor (VNR) - Rusolut
- PC3000 Flash (Ace Laboratory)
- Flash Extractor (Soft Center)

Photos of the adapter:

Socket for alternative pinouts (2 channels)

Photo of MR SD adapter mounted in Rusolut VNR

Photo of MR SD adapter mounted in PC3000 Flash - Monolith Board v4 and MultiBoard

Photo of MR SD adapter mounted in Flash Extractor NAND Reader

Movie of connections possibility of MR SD adapter in various devices as PC3000, VNR and Flash Extractor

Complete contains:
- SD Monolithic MR42 NAND adapter
- 1 inner for installation card in slot (Inner MR42-1)
- selected adapter for 1 of the listed devices ie VNR, PC3000 or FE (additional adapters can be purchased in addition)
- 1 SD connection adapter which helps writing Pattern and XOR extraction
- 1 set of connection FF cables
- instruction and alternative pinout configuration
- warranty card


We offer 36 months of warranty for this item.

Additional information about this product:

We would like to inform you that MR adapters, MR converters and sockets for MR adapter are products of the Multi-COM company. They are used to work with devices as VNR (Rusolut), Flash Extractor (Soft Center) and PC3000 Flash (Ace Laboratory), but THEY ARE NOT products of these companies.
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