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Main page > Data Analysis and Forensic Tools > UFS Programmers

UFS Programmers

UFS programmers allow you to read, write, verify and often repair UFS (Universal Flash Storage) memory chips. Programmers have the ability to program flash mass memories. They use the ISP as well as Direct method. They often have their own, easy-to-use software that allows you to set tags, flash read attributes, and LUN settings.

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Easy Z3X Plus LITE (Easy Jtag Plus Box)

Easy Z3X Plus LITE (Easy Jtag Plus Box)  
349,00 EUR w/o VAT

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HYPOBOX- programmer for eMMC/UFS/NAND

HYPOBOX- programmer for eMMC/UFS/NAND  
249,00 EUR w/o VAT

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MOORC MIPITESTER/MiPi Box Pro Programmer for EMMC and UFS

MOORC MIPITESTER/MiPi Box Pro Programmer for EMMC and UFS  
649,00 EUR w/o VAT

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Programmer UFS / eMMC / eMCP NuProg-E

Programmer UFS / eMMC / eMCP NuProg-E  
1149,00 EUR w/o VAT

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UFS BGA153 adapter for the Easy Z3x Plus

UFS BGA153 adapter for the Easy Z3x Plus  
179,00 EUR w/o VAT

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UFS BGA95 adapter for Easy Z3x Plus

UFS BGA95 adapter for Easy Z3x Plus  
99,00 EUR w/o VAT

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