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Main page > GSM Tools > Programmers / JTAG > Easy Z3X Plus FULL (Easy Jtag Plus Box)

JTAG programmers, adapters and devices for communication with mobile phones. UFS / eMMC device programmer designed to read / write and repair data using both the ISP and Direct method. Communication takes place in various JTAG, SD or MPHY protocols. VR-TABLE enables communication, reading and writing of memory via EMMS, JTAG or communication in FBUS mode.

Easy Z3X Plus FULL (Easy Jtag Plus Box)

4.9 (14)
Easy Z3X Plus FULL (Easy Jtag Plus Box)
Price: 419,00 EUR w/o VAT
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ID: 22031

Product weight: 0.80 kg

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Easy Z3X Plus FULL (Easy Jtag Plus Box) is the latest eMMC / JTAG interface of the already well-known Z3x group, whose Multi-COM company is the official representative. The interface created by it is a device that not only serves to repair the bootloader but also has a built-in PinFinder so that we can find the JTAG pinoout in a few seconds. The box also supports the full 8 bit ISP transmission in the latest version. In addition, the Box has a fully functional communication module Fbus and SPI, so it will be possible to flash the repaired phone without additional devices.


Main benefits of new Z3x Easy Jtag Plus Box
Updated CPU AT SAM3X8E vs LPC1768 in old box.
Updated FPGA SPARTAN6 vs SPARTAN3 in old box
Updated Power Logic – Full Digital PWM with ADC control.
MicroUSB Connector if additional power required.
VCC and VCCQ overload protection.
Updated host interface: USB 2.0 Device/Mini Host: 480 Mbps
Integrated ISP engine: Z3X High Power Pro Engine
ISP Support 1 and 4 bit connection now **
Added eMMC 8 bit high speed interface up to 48Mhz
Integrated NAND engine: NFC with 4 Kbyte RAM buffer and ECC
Integrated M-PHY interface.
Integrated SPI/I2C engine: up to 65 MHz for HSMCI and SPI clock lines
Integrated Self Test Core that exclude 90% faults in production.
Integrated CCID Card Reader for Z3X Software Use

What you get with new hardware :
Box to Host PC speed increase up to 35MB/sec
JTAG Interface speed increase 20%
eMMC ISP Speed increase up to 4MB/sec
eMMC 8 Bit Speed up to 26MB/sec
Compatibility with 99.9% host PC systems and OSes
Compatibility with old Easy JTAG G1 ISP adapters ( 1bit )
Adapter-less ISP ( all stuff inside the box )
Compatibility with all market popular eMMC sockets ( 8 bit )
True Plug and Play for modern Windows OS ( 8, 8.1 , 10 )
Full Support for legacy OS like Windows XP

Currently supported chipsets and cores for JTAG I/O operations:

  • Generic ARM Cores: ARM7, ARM9 (ARM920, ARM926, ARM946), ARM11, CORTEX-A8,CORTEX-A9;
  • Qualcomm QSC Family: QSC1100, QSC1110, QSC6010, QSC6020, QSC6030, QSC6055, QSC6085, QSC6240, QSC6270;
  • Qualcomm MSM Family: MSM6000, MSM6150, MSM6245, MSM6246, MSM6250, MSM6250A, MSM6260, MSM6275, MSM6280, MSM6280A, MSM6281, MSM6800A, MSM6801A, MSM6290, MSM7225, MSM7227, MSM7625, MSM7627, MSM7230, MSM8255, MSM8255T, MSM8260;
  • Qualcomm QSD Family: QSD8250, QSD8650;
  • Marvell/XScale Family: PXA270, PXA271, PXA272, PXA310, PXA312, PXA320.
  • Samsung Processors: S5P6422, S5PV310,S5PC110,S5PC210

    Currently supported memory controllers are:
  • OneNAND Memory> (connected directly to the MCU’s address space);
  • CFI Compliant NOR Memory with CFI Command sets 0×0001, 0×0002, 0×0200 and 0×0003;
  • NAND Controller in MSM6250, MSM6250A;
  • NAND Controller in QSC6055, QSC6085, QSC6240, QSC6270;
  • NAND Controller in MSM6245, MSM6246, MSM6270, MSM6275, MSM6280, MSM6280A, MSM6281, MSM6290, MSM6800A, MSM6801A;
  • NAND Controller and OneNAND Controller in MSM7225, MSM7227, MSM7625, MSM7627;
  • NAND Controller in MSM7200, MSM7200A, MSM7201A, MSM7500, MSM7500A, MSM7501A, MSM7600;
  • NAND Controller in QSD8250, QSD8650;
  • eMMC Controller #2 in MSM7230, MSM8255, MSM8255T;
  • eMMC Controller #0 in S5PC110;
  • eMMC Controller #0 in S5PC210;

    Hardware specification:
  • USB 2.0 High Speed Buffered Interface - we use an native USB Stack. Upstream data are directly arrives to box MCU without getting slowed by bottleneck technologies like Prolific or FTDI chips. CDC Stack are give enough performance to match high load pplications.
  • Native USB CCID Smart Card Reader - Security are very important part of all GSM software project. We use military standart GEMALTO Security for most our software. Box has such card reader avaiable to software in native way. Box are fully capable with previous Z3X box based on FTDI and Alcor logics. It use same card and same software. Its amazing , You can install your existing security card in box and get perfect 3-in-1 magic solution
  • Super Speed Xilinx FPGA Driven Core - Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are devices that contain programmable logic and interconnects. Incorporating FPGAs into the design of Z3X jtag box ensures that users are able to program or configure boards to erform basic logic gate functions such as AND and/or XOR, as well as, more complex combinational functions such as decoders bus controllers and pinout searching logic.
  • ARM20 Industry Standard JTAG Port - The 20-pin connector is the currently recommended from ARM. You can use different adaptes and jigs , available on market without need soldering or paying for additional converters Connector type: 20-way IDC male eader, 0.1” pitch. Use any 20pin Jtag connectors or jics! Easy and Universal!
  • RJ45 MultiPort UFS3/Unibox Capable - Box are equipped with classical RJ45 Unibox connector. You will be surprised You can plug any type of cables UFS and Unibox. Box will automatically reconfigure power and data lines align. Box are configured as standard unibox after powerup and switch mode after starting corresponding software. Easy and Universal..
  • Integrated ADC and DAC for voltage control - You can flexibly adjust port IO voltage from 1.8 to 3.3 volt. Also box can easy measure internal and external voltage with high precision. Easy and Flexible! You can monitor VFEF line of your device in realtime to be shure that all powering on before connection.
  • Integrated surge and overvoltage protection - Connection errors ? Bad cables ? What else can break high cost equipment or PC motherboard We integrated two level power control and protection subsystem to protect phone, box and your PC You can be shure that even you plug in box ports an spoon everything will be protected from disaster. Easy and Safe!

    • ARM7/ARM9/ARM11 PXA3xx, PXA270, Cortex-A8, OMAP850, Cortex-A9 Dual cores support;
    • Multiple devices on JTAG chain are supported, thus TAP number selection is available;
    • Any custom voltage level selection from range ~1.8V to 3.8V
    • TCK/Adaptive clocking selection
    • Halt core (NRST is not changed)
    • Reset core (NRST is applied before halt)
    • Direct Read and Write memory (by 8/16/32-bit mode or bulk transfers)
    • Access to the control registers of ARM core (coprocessor 15)
    • Program code breakpoints
    • Run Halt Restart core
    • 19 Pins Hardware Accselerated unique finder feature offered only by Easy- JTAG

    Set photo

    Complete contains:
    - Easy JTAG Plus Box Main Interface Hardware
    - Z3X Smart Card with Easy JTAG Plus Activation
    - 1 universal eMMC/eMCP adapter for reading BGA 153/169/186/221/529
    - 2 Piece Adapter Set
    ISP Soldering connector 1bit.
    JTAG adapter
    - 1 Year Free support access to our file support servers.
    - USB A to B Cable
    - invoice
Product weight: 0.80 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 16.80 EUR



Additional information about this product:

Information concerning technical requiments :
The correct use of the purchased goods is required to have a stable internet connection with min . capacity of 1024 kb / s ( download) and 512 kb / s ( upload) . Before you attempt to make software update on the device or want to activate/use service, make sure that you have a sufficient link parameters .

Information concerning the interoperability of digital content:
For using a software or a piece of software that the manufacturer supplies with purchased hardware, in some cases it’s required that you disable your Firewall ( in software or router) and antivirus software. Leaving it enabled can occurs inproper operation of software / services and you will get communications errors like “Error 10060”.

Information concerning hardware requiments:
For proper working with this device producer suggest PC computer with 32-bit Windows XP operating system. We don't guarantee that software/device will work or any other system - especially 64-bit systems, iMac, Linux.

Information concerning IMEI change:
We want to inform that IMEI change option in softwares are intended to use only to repair broken IMEI and retrieve it to original state. It's prohibitted to use this function to change IMEI to diffrent that original. Multi-COM don't answer to any questions related with operation on IMEI number - if you require help in this metter please contact with software/device producer directly. We don't take any responsibility to use this function.
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Dedicated accessories for this product

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Available also additional modules:

EMMC adapter for Easy Z3x JTAG Box + EMMC adapter for Easy Z3x JTAG Box more
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See also

ICFriend UFS Socket 6w1 set for Z3X Easy Jtag Plus + ICFriend UFS Socket 6w1 set for Z3X Easy Jtag Plus more
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1. Offered by us accessories and replacement parts are not original phone producer parts, but they have been carefully choosen from list of producers to offer highest quality.

2. Our company sale only hardware/HASP/Box - not software for it. Software can be found and downloaded directly from producers webpage.

3. All trademarks mentioned on this site are property of their respective companies. Including product names, logos, commercial symbols, trade names and slogans are trademarks of those respective or related companies, and are protected by international trademark laws, and they are used here only for information purpose.


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