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Main page > GSM Tools > Programmers / JTAG > JTAG-ISP 5in1 MOORC Adapter

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JTAG-ISP 5in1 MOORC Adapter

Price: 12,00 EUR w/o VAT
JTAG-ISP 5in1 MOORC Adapter it's set of adapters that allows to program in Direct mode (BGA162/186, BGA 153/169, BGA 221) EMMC by using such boxex as Riff, Easy Z3x JTAG, ORT, GPG, Medusa but also suitable for ATF users for MMC programming as well enabling external power On/OFF and voltage chaneg from 1.8 to 2.8V

Photo of set:

Description of adapter:

Sample of connection:

Complete contains:
- ISP MOORC 5in1 adapter
- Direct adapter BGA dla BGA162/186
- Direct adapter BGA dla BGA 153/169
- Direct adapter BGA dla BGA 221