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DeepSpar PRO USB Stabilizer

5 (4)
DeepSpar PRO USB Stabilizer
Price: 949,00 EUR w/o VAT
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Available amount: 7

ID: 22704

Product weight: 0.50 kg

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DeepSpar PRO USB Stabilizer allows any Windows software to quickly and reliably work with unstable/degraded USB storage devices. It is a combination of software and a hardware device which connects between the PC and USB source drive. The source drive shows up in Windows as if it was connected directly, allowing any software to work with it.


USB Stabilizer provides seamless hardware instability handling, ensuring that intermittent drive issues do not cause software/Windows to freeze, crash, or drop the drive. Whenever the drive gets 'stuck' reading a bad area, it is automatically reinitialized by various resets, dramatically speeding up bad sector processing and slowing down the rate of further physical degradation. As the last resort, the drive can be automatically repowered - and this happens without aborting the recovery process because the drive is kept mounted in Windows even while being repowered!


- Works with any non-proprietary USB storage, including devices converted to USB through an adapter. With basic adapters it can be used with almost any type of storage device, including SATA drives and the newest AHCI/NVMe PCIe SSDs.

- Ensures that Windows always maintains a stable connection to the source drive, even if it's physically degraded and intermittently goes offline.

- Customizable read timeout duration in milliseconds.

- Read timeout enforced by software reset, hardware reset, controller reset, or drive repower.

- Works with vendor specific commands, so third party tools like PC-3000, DFL, and MRT can build head maps and repair firmware issues through the USB Stabilizer. In some cases the added stability allows firmware repair procedures to be successful when they would otherwise fail due to Windows dropping the drive in the middle of the repair.

- Optionally stops Windows from mounting the drive's file system or even reading the MBR, giving access to drives with a bad sector at LBA0.

- Hardware write blocking.

- Free firmware/software updates.




What are diffrence beetwen Deepspar USB Stiabilizer and Guardonix ???

Both USB Stabilizer and Guardonix are built on the same hardware platform, but have different software/firmware. Essentially if they are a forensic investigator who occasionally deals with unstable drives then they probably need Guardonix and if they are a data recovery company who only deals with unstable drives then they probably need USB Stabilizer. Here are the main differences between them:
- USB Stabilizer allows precisely controlling read timeout in milliseconds, while Guardonix just has three fixed presets (short, medium, long). The Short preset in Guardonix is 1250ms and it can't go lower than this. For many highly unstable drives it's more appropriate to use smaller values around 400-800ms, allowing the device to get past bad sectors that much faster. If the drive has a lot of bad sectors then this is a large difference.
- USB Stabilizer allows choosing different types of resets to execute after timeout (software, hardware, controller, repower), while Guardonix only does hardware reset (and repower after if it fails). This means that there will be fewer situations with Stabilizer where the storage device fails to be reset after timeout, although hardware reset or repower is best in something like 98% of cases, so this is a small difference.
- USB Stabilizer works with vendor specific commands, so you can use firmware repair tools like PC-3000/MRT/DFL/etc to build head maps, repair firmware, etc. through it, whereas Guardonix does not allow this (since such commands could change drive contents, invalidating the forensic process), so Guardonix can never work with those types of tools.
-  USB Stabilizer allows disabling writeblocking and with Guardonix it's always on no matter what.
- Guardonix allows doing a raw keyword search within the data that goes through it in real time (for forensic purposes) and USB Stabilizer does not (since it's not useful for data recovery). Although, it is possible to run Guardonix software with Stabilizer hardware (but not vice versa) to get the feature that way.
In the design of any read instability handling hardware there are always trade-offs between speed and data. More speed means less data and vice versa. Some underlying parts of the design in USB Stabilizer are turned more for speed (i.e. faster, but could be missing more sectors) and Guardonix is tuned more for data (slower, but getting more sectors).

Set contains:

- DeepSpar USB Stabilizer
- USB 3.0 cable
- 5V Power supply cable


12 months from date of purchase


Product weight: 0.50 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 10.16 EUR


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Aprčs les premiers tests avec mon appareil DeepSpar, je tiens ŕ souligner que malgré sa petite taille, cet appareil est étonnamment puissant et efficace. De plus, il est facilement transportable, ce qui le rend idéal pour les interventions ŕ domicile ou en déplacement avec un ordinateur portable. En bref, c\'est un excellent appareil.
Serious seller, fast shipping and everything perfect!!
Happy to know them
I willll buy again, sure!!
Great product!
Great tool at an affordable price.