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Blocking signal cases

Signal blocking covers are an effective anti-theft device for your car with a keyless system. The cover makes it impossible to scan the signal thanks to the micro fibers from which it is sewn forming a Faraday grid.

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Case for car keys protector Keyless Carbon
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Case for car keys protector Keyless Carbon

Case for car keys protector Keyless Carbon protection against scanning and theft by scanning, thanks to the blocking signal that sends the car to the keys. The Keyless-GO system is a comfortable identification of the driver who ensures comfortable opening of the car, engine start and locking of the locks. It is used in cars of global brands, among others, BMW, Audi, Toyota, Mercedes. The system without key access - regardless of whether it is a code card or a transponder embedded in the keys - uses radio waves for work. The anti-theft case is made of micro fibers forming the Faraday grille that protects the car from theft. The case blocks the signal: BLUETOOTH, WiFi, NFC, RFID, NFC, GSM, WCDMA, LTE and others.

Available amount: 5
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Price: 10.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning
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Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning

Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning is a cover acting as a Faraday cage, after inserting the keys to cover in an effective way you secure your car - because it will prevent scan signal it sends your car keys. The key-no access - regardless of whether it comes to kardy code, or built-in transponder keys - uses radio waves to work. There is no risk that someone will intercept the signal to get to your car.

Available amount: 18
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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning model A
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Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning model A

Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning model A Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning is a cover acting as a Faraday cage, after inserting the keys to cover in an effective way you secure your car - because it will prevent scan signal it sends your car keys. The key-no access - regardless of whether it comes to kardy code, or built-in transponder keys - uses radio waves to work. There is no risk that someone will intercept the signal to get to your car.

Dimension: 140mm x 93mm x 4mm
Colour: Pink with black border
Material: PVC leather

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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning model B
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Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning model B

Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning model B Cover for the keys blocking radio waves - protection before scanning is a cover acting as a Faraday cage, after inserting the keys to cover in an effective way you secure your car - because it will prevent scan signal it sends your car keys. The key-no access - regardless of whether it comes to kardy code, or built-in transponder keys - uses radio waves to work. There is no risk that someone will intercept the signal to get to your car.

Dimension: 127mm x 87mm x 3mm
Colour: Pink
Material: PVC leather

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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Faraday Bag 29cm x 39 cm for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi
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Faraday Bag 29cm x 39 cm for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi

Faraday Bag 29cm x 39 cm for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi the frequency blocking bag offers signal shield for Military and Intelligent agencies, Law Enforcement organisations as well as Corporate Clients and ividuals who want to protect their privacy . A frequency blocking bag is usually using to protect devices from any external interceptions, ensuring that devices are secure and prevent remote wiping of the date (losing critical data in a case or tribunal), tracking the device (potentially putting your officers in jeopardy), bugging (by remotely using the devices microphone and/or camera) or protect inviduals by not allow scannign their credit/debit card with NFC readers or car thief from scanning keyless system in your car. The frequency blocking bag could also block radiations and degaussing.

Available amount: 5
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Price: 50.00 EUR w/o VAT
Faraday Bag TS01 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi
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Faraday Bag TS01 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi

Faraday Bag TS01 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi the frequency blocking bag offers signal shield for Military and Intelligent agencies, Law Enforcement organisations as well as Corporate Clients and ividuals who want to protect their privacy . A frequency blocking bag is usually using to protect devices from any external interceptions, ensuring that devices are secure and prevent remote wiping of the date (losing critical data in a case or tribunal), tracking the device (potentially putting your officers in jeopardy), bugging (by remotely using the devices microphone and/or camera) or protect inviduals by not allow scannign their credit/debit card with NFC readers or car thief from scanning keyless system in your car. The frequency blocking bag could also block radiations and degaussing.

Available amount: 9
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Price: 30.00 EUR w/o VAT
Faraday Bag TS02 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi
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Faraday Bag TS02 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi

Faraday Bag TS02 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi the frequency blocking bag offers signal shield for Military and Intelligent agencies, Law Enforcement organisations as well as Corporate Clients and ividuals who want to protect their privacy . A frequency blocking bag is usually using to protect devices from any external interceptions, ensuring that devices are secure and prevent remote wiping of the date (losing critical data in a case or tribunal), tracking the device (potentially putting your officers in jeopardy), bugging (by remotely using the devices microphone and/or camera) or protect inviduals by not allow scannign their credit/debit card with NFC readers or car thief from scanning keyless system in your car. The frequency blocking bag could also block radiations and degaussing.

Available amount: 10
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Price: 38.00 EUR w/o VAT
Faraday Bag TS03 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi
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Faraday Bag TS03 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi

Faraday Bag TS03 for blocking signal GSM, 3G, LTE, GPS, WiFi the frequency blocking bag offers signal shield for Military and Intelligent agencies, Law Enforcement organisations as well as Corporate Clients and ividuals who want to protect their privacy . A frequency blocking bag is usually using to protect devices from any external interceptions, ensuring that devices are secure and prevent remote wiping of the date (losing critical data in a case or tribunal), tracking the device (potentially putting your officers in jeopardy), bugging (by remotely using the devices microphone and/or camera) or protect inviduals by not allow scannign their credit/debit card with NFC readers or car thief from scanning keyless system in your car. The frequency blocking bag could also block radiations and degaussing.

Available amount: 2
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Price: 40.00 EUR w/o VAT
Faraday cover blocking GSM / LTE / WiFi / GPS signal for a 39x26mm laptop
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Faraday cover blocking GSM / LTE / WiFi / GPS signal for a 39x26mm laptop

Faraday cover blocking GSM / LTE / WiFi / GPS signal for a 39x26mm laptop is a case that functions as a Faraday cage for laptops, large tablets equipped with a GSM blocking module for both GSM / LTE / WIFII and GPS. The perfect solution for people who want to protect their privacy in selected locations. After inserting the device into the case, the device will lose its range in a few seconds and it will not be reachable and traced. A person trying to call a device that is in the case will hear a busy tone or a message saying that the subscriber is unreachable.

Available amount: 4
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Price: 35.00 EUR w/o VAT
Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 2
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Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 2

Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 2 it features Faraday cage for mobile phones that block both GSM / GPS / WiFi signals. Ideal for people who want to protect their privacy in selected locations. When you insert the phone into the case without having to turn it off, the device will lose its reach in a few seconds: the phone will be unmarked. The person trying to call a phone will hear a busy tone or a message that the subscriber is unreachable.

Dimensions: 170mm x 115mm x 3mm
Color: Moro- light brawn

Available amount: 6
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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Signal GSM, 3G, GPS, WiFi Blocking Bag
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Signal GSM, 3G, GPS, WiFi Blocking Bag

Signal GSM, 3G, GPS, WiFi Blocking Bag the frequency blocking bag offers an ideal solution for pack small electronic gadgets which signal shield required. A frequency blocking bag is usually using to block cell phone machines in special locations. After put a cell phone into the bag and seal the cover, the cell phone will loss signal seconds later and can not be reached any more. It will appear unavailable or network busy. The frequency blocking bag could block radiations and degaussing.

Available amount: 11
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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Signal GSM, 3G, GPS, WiFi Blocking Bag for Tablet/Phones
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Signal GSM, 3G, GPS, WiFi Blocking Bag for Tablet/Phones

Signal GSM, 3G, GPS, WiFi Blocking Bag for Tablet/Phones the frequency blocking bag offers an ideal solution for packelectronic gadgets which signal shield required. A frequency blocking bag is usually using to block tablet/cell phone machines in special locations. After put a tablet/cell phone into the bag and seal the cover, the cell phone will loss signal seconds later and can not be reached any more. It will appear unavailable or network busy. The frequency blocking bag could block radiations and degaussing.

Available amount: 6
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Price: 25.00 EUR w/o VAT
Pokrowiec na kluczyki blokujący fale radiowe BRĄZ
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Pokrowiec na kluczyki blokujący fale radiowe BRĄZ

Pokrowiec na kluczyki blokujący fale radiowe BRĄZ zabezpiecza kluczyki samochodowe przed skanowaniem. Pokrowiec pełni funkcje klatki Faradaya, po włożeniu kluczyków do pokrowca, w skuteczny sposób zabezpieczysz swój samochód - uniemożliwi to bowiem zeskanowanie sygnału jaki wysyła samochód do twoich kluczyków. System bez-kluczykowego dostępu - niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o karty kodowe, czy wbudowane w kluczyki transpondery - wykorzystuje do pracy fale radiowe. Pokrowiec skutecznie je blokuje.

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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 3
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Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 3

Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 3 it features Faraday cage for mobile phones that block both GSM / GPS / WiFi signals. Ideal for people who want to protect their privacy in selected locations. When you insert the phone into the case without having to turn it off, the device will lose its reach in a few seconds: the phone will be unmarked. The person trying to call a phone will hear a busy tone or a message that the subscriber is unreachable.

Dimensions: 170mm x 115mm x 3mm
Color: Moro- dark grey

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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 4
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Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 4

Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO 4 it features Faraday cage for mobile phones that block both GSM / GPS / WiFi signals. Ideal for people who want to protect their privacy in selected locations. When you insert the phone into the case without having to turn it off, the device will lose its reach in a few seconds: the phone will be unmarked. The person trying to call a phone will hear a busy tone or a message that the subscriber is unreachable.

Dimensions: 170mm x 115mm x 3mm
Color: Moro- dark brawn

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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT
Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO light grey
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Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO light grey

Phone case for locking signals GSM/LTE/WiFi/GPS MORO light grey it features Faraday cage for mobile phones that block both GSM / GPS / WiFi signals. Ideal for people who want to protect their privacy in selected locations. When you insert the phone into the case without having to turn it off, the device will lose its reach in a few seconds: the phone will be unmarked. The person trying to call a phone will hear a busy tone or a message that the subscriber is unreachable.

Dimensions: 170mm x 115mm x 3mm
Color: Moro- light grey
Material: fabric
Clasp: Velcro fastening

ATTENTION: The padding of the cover is made of microfiber fabric forming a Faraday mesh (ie, proper protection), so it is important to keep in mind the softness of the cover so that it is not damaged so that it loses its properties. Damage can be caused by bending the cover in half or rubbing.

The bag locks, for example:
* bluetooth signals
* WiFi signals
* NFC signals
* GSM, WCDMA, LTE and more

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Price: 12.00 EUR w/o VAT