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Audio / RCA GSM / Audio cables

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Audio cable for Nokia 8310
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Audio cable for Nokia 8310

Audio cable for Nokia 8310 for performing the radio function

Price: 6.56 EUR w/o VAT
Audio/RCA MMC 30 cable
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Audio/RCA MMC 30 cable

Audio/RCA MMC 30 cable allows to use this cable to play MP3 songs with home theater speaker system or any other speaker which has Audio input Chinch (RCA type).
Supported models:SonyEricsson K300, K608, K500, K506, K508, K700, P900, P910, S700, T290, Z500

Price: 10.00 EUR w/o VAT
Audio/RCA MMC 50 cable
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Audio/RCA MMC 50 cable

Audio/RCA MMC 50 cable allows to use this cable to play MP3 songs with home theater speaker system or any other speaker which has Audio input Chinch (RCA type).
Supported models: Siemens A51, A53, A62, CX75, M75, S75, SFG75, SG75, SL75, SP65, SX1, U15, U10, 6688

Price: 10.00 EUR w/o VAT
Audio/RCA MMC 60 cable
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Audio/RCA MMC 60 cable

Audio/RCA MMC 60 cable allows to use this cable to play MP3 songs with home theater speaker system or any other speaker which has Audio input Chinch (RCA type).
Supported models: SonyEricsson D750i, K750, W600, W800

Price: 10.00 EUR w/o VAT
Audio/RCA MMC 70 cable
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Audio/RCA MMC 70 cable

Audio/RCA MMC 70 cable allows to use this cable to play MP3 songs with home theater speaker system or any other speaker which has Audio input Chinch (RCA type).
Supported models: Motorola E1, U6, V1050, V235, V3, V501, V551, V557, V600, V710, V820, V820P, A1010, A1200, A630, A728, A732, A768, A780, A845, A860, A920, A925, C261, C380, C650, C975, E1000, E1070, E1120, E398, E550, E680, E685, E895, MPX200, MPX220

Price: 10.00 EUR w/o VAT
Audio/RCA MMC 80 cable
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Audio/RCA MMC 80 cable

Audio/RCA MMC 80 cable allows to use this cable to play MP3 songs with home theater speaker system or any other speaker which has Audio input Chinch (RCA type).
Supported models: Samsung D500, E640, E730, E350, E600, D340, E800, E720, Z300, E530, E560, E880

Price: 10.00 EUR w/o VAT
SIEM SL45 Audio cable for playing MP3
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SIEM SL45 Audio cable for playing MP3

SIEM SL45 Audio cable for playing MP3. With this cable you may play playing MP3 songs with home theater speaker system or any other speaker which has Audio input jack (RCA type).

Price: 12.54 EUR w/o VAT
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