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Main page > GSM products > Accessories GSM

Additional access for GSM service workshop

We offer useful and fully professional GSM accessories that improve the convenience of using the devices and optimize their functionality. GSM accessories are also sets that allow you to store parts for phones in an organized manner, organize the work of mobile phone services.

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Cableshelf BK 7240

Cableshelf BK 7240  
9,00 EUR w/o VAT

Phone surgey bag

Phone surgey bag  
2,50 EUR w/o VAT

5.8 inch Screen Attach Machine

5.8 inch Screen Attach Machine  
15,00 EUR w/o VAT

Brak na magazynie

Remax pulling tag

Remax pulling tag  
0,80 EUR w/o VAT

Brak na magazynie

REMAX Screen Attach Machine for tablets

REMAX Screen Attach Machine for tablets  
18,00 EUR w/o VAT

Brak na magazynie

SmartPhone Repair Kit with tools for phone repair Funfix

SmartPhone Repair Kit with tools for phone repair Funfix  
19,00 EUR w/o VAT

Brak na magazynie