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USB cables for Huawei/Vodafone

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USB Cable Huawei/Vodafone V716/V715
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USB Cable Huawei/Vodafone V716/V715

USB Cable Huawei/Vodafone V716/V715 and U120x/401/U121 it's data and service cable used for above phones. It will work withtou any problem with any service software as Multi-BOx, Micro-Box or KulanKendi MC, Polar-Box as well as PC Sync software.

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Price: 6.00 EUR w/o VAT
USB cable Huawei/Vodafone V810/V720
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USB cable Huawei/Vodafone V810/V720

USB Cable Huawei/Vodafone V810/Plusfon 603i and U5700, V720 it's data and service cable used for above phones. It will work withtou any problem with any service software as Multi-BOx, VodaStar Clip, Micro-Box or KulanKendi MC, Polar-Box as well as PC Sync software.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT