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FFS PRO2 cables

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Kabel do Nokia E62 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Kabel do Nokia E62 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Kabel do Nokia E62 RJ48 FFS PRO2 to nowy rewolucyjny produkt firmy GPG obslugujący takie urządzenia jak UFS/UB, MT-Box, Cyclone, ATF który w odróżnieniu od zwykłego kabla 3w1 umożliwia także regulację rezystancji na lini BSI (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K) poprzez mały przełącznik. Teraz jeden przewód wystarczy do obsługi wszystkich urządzeń w Twoim serwisie - bez znaczenia czy posiadasz Advance Turbo Flasher, Cyclone, MT-Box czy tez UFS/UB. Kable z grupy FFS to wysokiej jakości przewódy z nylonowymi wzmocnieniami zapobiegającymi zagięciom, ekranowanym wtykiem jak też nowym gumowym zabezpieczeniem na RJ zapobiegającym wyłamywaniu zatrzasków.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Kabel do Nokia X5-01 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Kabel do Nokia X5-01 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Kabel do Nokia X5-01 RJ48 FFS PRO2 to nowy rewolucyjny produkt firmy GPG obslugujący takie urządzenia jak UFS/UB, MT-Box, Cyclone, ATF który w odróżnieniu od zwykłego kabla 3w1 umożliwia także regulację rezystancji na lini BSI (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K) poprzez mały przełącznik. Teraz jeden przewód wystarczy do obsługi wszystkich urządzeń w Twoim serwisie - bez znaczenia czy posiadasz Advance Turbo Flasher, Cyclone, MT-Box czy tez UFS/UB. Kable z grupy FFS to wysokiej jakości przewódy z nylonowymi wzmocnieniami zapobiegającymi zagięciom, ekranowanym wtykiem jak też nowym gumowym zabezpieczeniem na RJ zapobiegającym wyłamywaniu zatrzasków.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Kabel do Nokia N85 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Kabel do Nokia N85 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Kabel do Nokia N85 RJ48 FFS PRO2 to nowy rewolucyjny produkt firmy GPG obslugujący takie urządzenia jak MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF który w odróżnieniu od zwykłego kabla 3w1 umożliwia także regulację rezystancji na lini BSI (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K) poprzez mały przełącznik. Teraz jeden przewód wystarczy do obsługi wszystkich urządzeń w Twoim serwisie - bez znaczenia czy posiadasz Advance Turbo Flasher, Cyclone, MT-Box, Genie, UB, HWK czy też UFS. Kabel ten nie wymaga żadnych przelotek, adapterów itp., podpina się go bezpośrednio do boxa. Kable z grupy FFS to wysokiej jakości przewódy z nylonowymi wzmocnieniami zapobiegającymi zagięciom, ekranowanym wtykiem jak też nowym gumowym zabezpieczeniem na RJ zapobiegającym wyłamywaniu zatrzasków.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 100 / 101 / 106 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 100 / 101 / 106 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 100 / 101 / 106 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 2690 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 2690 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 2690 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 2700 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 2700 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 2700 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 2730C RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 2730C RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 2730C RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 300 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 300 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 300 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 303 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 303 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 303 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 3120C RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 3120C RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 3120C RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 3208 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 3208 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 3208 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 3250 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 3250 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 3250 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 3555 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 3555 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 3555 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 3600S/7610S RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 3600S/7610S RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 3600S/7610S RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 3710A RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 3710A RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 3710A RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 3720c RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 3720c RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 3720c RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 500 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 500 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 500 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 5220c RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 5220c RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 5220c RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 5230/5800D RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 5230/5800D RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 5230/5800D RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
Cable for Nokia 5250 RJ48 FFS PRO2
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Cable for Nokia 5250 RJ48 FFS PRO2

Cable for Nokia 5250 RJ48 FFS PRO2 it's new product that brings revolution to GSM field in cables connection. FFS cables support such devices as MT-Box/Genie, Cyclone/UB i UFS/HWK/JAF/ATF devices withtou need any additional converters but also allows to change resistance on BSI line (5,1K, 7,5K, 10K). This cable does not require any adapters, converters, etc., it's connect directly to the box. Maked from highest quality materials as PRO cables got also protection for RJ48.

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Price: 8.00 EUR w/o VAT
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