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Activations for UST PRO2

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Access to ust-pro2.org
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Access to ust-pro2.org

Access to ust-pro2.org it's service that allows you to get access to ust-pro2.org page that allows to download flash and other neccessary files for such device as UST-PRO
Limits: 10 files / day (no size limitation)
Period of access: 12 months from date of activation
Processing info: after payment recive access are activated basing on registration form filled on our page

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Price: 18.00 EUR w/o VAT
Activation SPT for UST PRO2
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Activation SPT for UST PRO2

Activation SPT for UST PRO2 you can activate SPT Samsung Professional Tools on Your old UST! If you got your old UST PRO2 on shelf and dont use it long time then it's tiem to back it to work. Ofcourse after update you can use full support access of SPT.


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Price: 95.00 EUR w/o VAT
Logs UST PRO 2 RPL (IMEI Repair)
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Logs UST PRO 2 RPL (IMEI Repair)

Logs UST PRO 2 RPL (IMEI Repair) allow you to repair demaged IMEI in Samsung 3G phones. For use this service you need to read log from your phone using UST PRO2 or UST PRO2 LITE (available with leatest version of UST software) and after recive from us generated RPL upload to yoru phone.

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Price: 20.00 EUR w/o VAT