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Code Scanners Autel Autolink AL519 Pro

Price: 99,00 EUR w/o VAT
Code Scanners Autel Autolink AL519 Pro OBDII/EOBD scanner supports all 10 modes of OBDII test for a complete diagnosis. Featuring the unique patented One-Click I/M Readiness Key, TFT color display and built-in speaker, the AutoLink AL519 is truly the ultimate in power and affordability, allowing users to do their jobs faster. In addition, thousands of troubleshooter code tips help technicians to save diagnosis and repair time.


- 100% original product with access to producer updates
- 24 months of warranty
- full support by Polish distributor http://www.autelpolska.pl/

- Works on ALL 1996 and newer vehicles (OBDII & CAN) – domestic and import
- Features the unique patented One-Click Readiness Key for quick State Emissions readiness check and drive cycle verification
- Bright color coded LEDs and built-in speaker provide both visual and audible tone for readiness verification
- Retrieves generic (P0, P2, P3 and U0), manufacturer specific (P1, P3 and U1) codes and pending codes
- Easily determines the cause of the Check Engine Light(MIL)
- Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors
- Displays DTC definition on the TFT color screen
- Views freeze frame data
- Displays monitor and I/M readiness status (emissions)
- Reads live PCM datastream
- Displays live O2 sensor test data
- Graphs data (1996 and newer vehicles)
- Reads, stores and playbacks live sensor data
- Enhanced OBDII Mode 6
- Troubleshooter code tips guide technicians to the root cause of a trouble code faster, saving diagnosis and repair time
- Retrieves vehicle information (VIN, CIN and CVN)
- Multilingual menu and DTC definitions – English, Spanish and French, etc.
- Internet updateable and upgradeable
- Prints data via PC

Display: TFT color display (320 x 240 dpi)
Operating Temperature: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140 °F)
Storage Temperature: -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158 °F)
External Power: 8.0 to 18.0 V power provided via vehicle battery
Length\Width\Height: 199 mm (7.83”)\104.5 mm (4.11”)\37.5 mm (1.48”)
Weight: 0.28kg (0.75lb, without wire) or 0.484kg (1.3lb, with wire)

Set contains:
- Carry case
- CD
- USB Cable
- OBDII Cable
- User's Manual


We offer 24 months warranty for this product
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