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UFSx2COM UFS Virtual COM Port

UFSx2COM UFS Virtual COM Port
Price: 10,00 EUR w/o VAT


ID: 1494

Product Type: Digital Service

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UFSx2COM UFS Virtual COM Port was designed to use with UFS SarasSoft Series boxes. e.g UFS2,UFS3 Tornado/Excalibur,Twister,NBOX and PowerFlasher also tested to be worked on UFS Clone. THis software created virtual COM port that can be used in any Windows used softwares (for data transfer, synchrozniation, simlock remove, flashing etc.) with speed up to 1 Mbit/s (921600 kb/s max). You can use existing cables from FREIA to flash any Siemens phones by SWUP flasher.


Description and features:

- generate strings for connected Box (OLD?NEW, Se Tool, HWK strings)
- write strings directyl into slot of Box (no need to copy/paste into software)
- Used to emulate UFSx (Twister, N-Box, Tornado, UFS3, UFS2, Power Flasher, Excalibur) as a Normal COM/Serial port
- Hi-Speed connections up to 921600kb/s (~1 Mbit/s)
- Multi platform Win98/ME/NT4/Win2000/XP support
- Configurable emulation FBUS/MBUS/Standart Rx/Tx
- Selectable COM number from COM1 to COM254
- UFS 'Features:00000001' activator buttton for fast CNT flashing under Saras software
- Nokia backup Tools & Security code recovery
- DCT4 Fixing *#Warr0nty# IMEI
- DCT3&4 Read Phone Security/User Code
- Added on-off Power button on 'Standart' MODE.
- 'ericsson' and 'samsung' cable mode sepatared within` Standart MODE.
- new Add-on for registered costumers
* nCDMAtool :: Nokia CDMA extended tool
* Converter tun to pm[For CDMA calibration]
* NFP extractor[CDMA protected archives]
* Introduced :: PM customisation[Early version, only explore]
* Works offline with FULL PM
* Support GSM-CDMA
* Permanent_memory edit
* Warranty edit
* Life timer edit
* Gallery edit
* Rpl extract
* Production data edit
* RSSI edit
* ADC[CAL] edit
* PhoneBooks edit
* LCD contrast edit
* Security code edit
* Pm to tun[for CDMA]
* Multi-Language supported. available English. copy, edit and rename ..Langs/English.lng for polish etc.
* nCDMA ex
~ implemented direct Write TUN for CDMA
~ Fixed Tun2pm causing phone still lose signal
~ Added 'Error messages' for empty or bad tun files.
~ Extract NFP, added mcu,ppm... shows after extract
* PMXplorer and custumisation
~ direct mode via UFSx FBUS implemented
- edit, read/write new values directly to phone
- added RSSI read
- added ADC read
- added phonebooks read possible save phonebooks as .pbk

History of changes
14.09.2005 - software available for sale
29.09.2005 - addeed function to generate string OLD/NEW as well as SeTool and HWK + option to write them directly into Box
14.12.005 - new edition with changes:
* Win98/ME fully supported.
* Fixed, 'Check' on MBUS no ACK.
* Added on-off Power button on 'Standart' MODE.
* 'ericsson' and 'samsung' cable mode sepatared within` Standart MODE.
* DEMO/TRIAL Version re-enabled[Program will run only for 5 minutes].
* new Add-on for registered costumers
- nCDMAtool :: Nokia CDMA extended tool
~ Converter tun to pm[For CDMA calibration]
~ NFP extractor[CDMA protected archives]
- Introduced :: PM customisation[Early version, only explore]
~ Works offline with FULL PM
~ Support GSM-CDMA
~ Permanent_memory edit
~ Warranty edit
~ Life timer edit
~ Gallery edit
~ Rpl extract
~ Production data edit
~ RSSI edit
~ ADC[CAL] edit
~ PhoneBooks edit
~ LCD contrast edit
~ Security code edit
~ Pm to tun[for CDMA]
* Multi-Language supported. available English. copy, edit and rename ..Langs/English.lng for polish etc.
* nCDMA ex
~ implemented direct Write TUN for CDMA
~ Fixed Tun2pm causing phone still lose signal
~ Added 'Error messages' for empty or bad tun files.
~ Extract NFP, added mcu,ppm... shows after extract
* PMXplorer and custumisation
~ direct mode via UFSx FBUS implemented
- edit, read/write new values directly to phone
- added RSSI read
- added ADC read
- added phonebooks read
possible save phonebooks as .pbk
* UFx direct act
- Fixed activation for Typhoon box[serial > 131070]
- fixed all bugs whiel running on some OS (esepecilaly XP)
- support 64 bit systems
- rewriteen source to Delphi fom C++ for better stability and support of VSP

Sample of usage UFSX2COM:
- synchroznize data from phone to PC and viceversa by using special software as Siemens DataLink for Siemens, SonyEricsson Connection Manager for SE based phones, Nokia Data Suite for Nokia
- edit SMS in phone directly from your computer, send logo, create ringtone, upload wallpaper and many others function that can be done by COM/USB cable using VCP
- flash such phones as SonyEricsson with DavinciSoftware or free SEMC software with speed up to 1 Mbit/s (921600 kb/s)
- use existing cables from such phones as LG 81xx, Ericsson, Siemens, NEC for usgae with other software needed COM port as Furious, Cruiser, SST and others.
- use your Box at any Windows based software that need COM port
- flash Siemens phones using SWUP flashes that can be found at phone producer site
- use your Saras Box with all other software by building additional cables or making a converter from existing cables

Package contains:

- software UFSX2COM
- licence for 1 computer
- instruction


We offer 12 months of warranty for this product.
Product weight: 0.00 kg.
Delivery time: to 24h hours (e-mail)
Shipping cost: 0,00 EUR



Additional information about this product:

Information concerning technical requiments :
The correct use of the purchased goods is required to have a stable internet connection with min . capacity of 1024 kb / s ( download) and 512 kb / s ( upload) . Before you attempt to make software update on the device or want to activate/use service, make sure that you have a sufficient link parameters .

Information concerning the interoperability of digital content:
For using a software or a piece of software that the manufacturer supplies with purchased hardware, in some cases it’s required that you disable your Firewall ( in software or router) and antivirus software. Leaving it enabled can occurs inproper operation of software / services and you will get communications errors like “Error 10060”.

Information concerning hardware requiments:
For proper working with this device producer suggest PC computer with 32-bit Windows XP operating system. We don't guarantee that software/device will work or any other system - especially 64-bit systems, iMac, Linux.

Information concerning IMEI change:
We want to inform that IMEI change option in softwares are intended to use only to repair broken IMEI and retrieve it to original state. It's prohibitted to use this function to change IMEI to diffrent that original. Multi-COM don't answer to any questions related with operation on IMEI number - if you require help in this metter please contact with software/device producer directly. We don't take any responsibility to use this function.
If you are interested in UFSx2COM UFS Virtual COM Port you will probably want to take a look at following products:

See also

Converter RedBox, China Box - Saras Box + Converter RedBox, China Box - Saras Box more
5.00 EUR w/o VAT
UFS microHWK Saras + UFS microHWK Saras more
69.00 EUR w/o VAT

This product was bought most often with:

Converter RedBox, China Box - Saras Box + Converter RedBox, China Box - Saras Box more
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1. Offered by us accessories and replacement parts are not original phone producer parts, but they have been carefully choosen from list of producers to offer highest quality.

2. Our company sale only hardware/HASP/Box - not software for it. Software can be found and downloaded directly from producers webpage.

3. All trademarks mentioned on this site are property of their respective companies. Including product names, logos, commercial symbols, trade names and slogans are trademarks of those respective or related companies, and are protected by international trademark laws, and they are used here only for information purpose.