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PCB CLEANER KT-6 cleaning agent after soldering
Price: 7,11 EUR w/o VAT
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ID: 22347

Product weight: 0.50 kg

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PCB CLEANER KT-6 cleaning agent after soldering created for electronics professional cleaner for SIT and TEMPLATES and PCBs after soldering processes. The preparation shows increased efficiency in ultrasonic cleaners, especially after heating to 30-60 ° C (on average, 3 to 6 minutes is sufficient depending on the bath tub capacity and the degree of contamination), the fluid can be used as a replacement for "WD-40" preparations for maintenance locks, padlocks and unscrewing rusty screws, Recommended by service technicians for speed, safety and efficiency.
Product features:
  • the preparation removes dried fluxes and solder pastes from screens, matrices, BGA, SMT templates and PCB laminates,
  • perfectly washes rosin,
  • safe for plastics,
  • does not contain strong solvents,
  • practically odorless,
  • preparation about 2.5x less toxic compared to pure isopropanol (dermal LD50 (rabbit) 5000 mg / kg for PCB Cleaner KT-6 and 2000 mg / kg for isopropanol),
  • due to moderate evaporation, the fluid is very efficient, reducing cleaning costs,
  • milder and more effective than isopropanol, does not leave white deposits, evaporates completely, leaving no residue,
  • as a result of low density, the liquid easily gets to hard to reach places, displacing water and dirt from the cleaned elements,
  • environmentally friendly and ozone layer, does not contain freons,
  • the preparation has increased efficiency in ultrasonic cleaners, especially after heating to 30-60 ° C (on average 3 to 6 minutes is sufficient, depending on the tub's power and degree of contamination),
  • the fluid can be used as a replacement for "WD-40" type preparations to maintain locks, padlocks and unscrew rusty screws,
  • recommended by service technicians due to speed, safety and efficiency.
  • Capacity: 500ml
  • Capacity: 1L
  • Capacity: 5L
*automatic translation
Product weight: 0.50 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 10.20 EUR


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