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Monitor of high voltage MV-4

Monitor of high voltage MV-4
Price: 69,00 EUR w/o VAT
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ID: 2576

Product weight: 0.50 kg

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Monitor of high voltage MV-4 its' equipment for diagnostic ignition system in car.


Very often clients come to workshops complaining that the engine isn't working regularly. In this moment mechanic must answer rather old question - The cause of that is abnormal spark or wrong quantity of fuel. In my opinion it is easier to check the ignition system than check correctness of preparing and supplying air-fuel mixture. That is why probably majority of car mechanics begins with checking ignition system. But it isn't so easy and require conducting rather time-consuming metering for each cylinder separately. Most of the workshops can not afford modern and at the same time expensive diagnoscops, and having that in mind firm Delta Tech Electronics introduced on market device named Monitor of High Voltage MV-4. Device that allows quick checking of "spark quality" in four cylinders simultaneously. Of course that test don't require unscrewing ignition plug nor taking off high voltage conductors. You only need to clip clamps "crocodiles" to the high voltage electric wirings, turn on the MV-4 device and from this time watch indications of the LED flashing when there is a spark. On basis of this indications you can easly point the cause of the missing ignitions due to wrong work of the ignition system. Significant feature of this device is possibility of simultaneous watching and comparing spark in four cylinders.

Product weight: 0.50 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 10.16 EUR



Additional information about this product:


Products offerd on our pages are only interfaces - we don't offer any software for above units. If you need sofware for devices you must purchase them seperatly from prodcuers.

Information regarding hardware requiments:
For proper working with this device producer suggest PC computer with 32-bit Windows XP operating system. We don't guarantee that software/device will work or any other system - especially 64-bit systems, iMac, Linux.
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