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JTAG Motorola L2/L6 adapter

JTAG Motorola L2/L6 adapter
Price: 10,00 EUR w/o VAT


ID: 3521

Product weight: 0.02 kg

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JTAG Motorola L2/L6 adapter it's special PCB with mounted pins to allow for repair boot in Motorola L2/L6 phones withtou any solderign to PCB (in some series of phones it's still need to remove soldermaks from JTAG pads but you dont' need to solder any wires to them). Soon Boot repair option will be available in MSS Box so it's great time to have all before starts.
Supported phones: L2/L6
Compatible with: MSS BOx II / Smart-Clip (in complete special connection cable used for connecting adapter with device - right now only available for MSS)

This are not low-end JTAG as can be found on some websites on Internet - our JTAG adapter has been tested and maked usign real phone and not only shematics - that why it's fit's perfectyl to phone. There are no situaiotn like in other similars JTAG from other compaines that mounting pins are not fit correctyl, connection pins are not on correct height etc. We can guarantee that by usign our TP JTAG you will not face any such problems - it will fit your needs in 100%

Photos of adapters installed into phone

Product weight: 0.02 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 9.91 EUR


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