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Main page > GSM Tools > JTAG / EMMC / UFS Adapters > JTAG Huawei adapters > JTAG for Huawei U12x/U401 adapter Multi-BOX

JTAG for Huawei U12x/U401 adapter Multi-BOX

Price: 10,00 EUR w/o VAT


ID: 4810

Product weight: 0.02 kg

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JTAG for Huawei U12x/U401 adapter Multi-BOX it's special PCB with mounted pins and IC's to allow unlock Huawei phones without sodlering to phone. No logs are required for this operation.
Supported phones: VodaFone V716, VodaFone V715, Huawei U120, Huawei U120e, Huawei U120s , Huawei U121 (Playset), Plusfon 401i (Plusfon)
Compatible with: Multi-Box or any other interface that support JTAG

Photo of adapter installed in phone

Supported models and SW:
  • VodaFone V716
  • VodaFone V715
  • Huawei U120 (Chess)
  • Huawei U120e
  • Huawei U120s
  • Huawei U121 (Playset)
  • Plusfon 401i (Plusfon)


    1. Put locked SIMCard in adapter slot
    2. Connect adapter into Multi-BOX/Multi-BOX LITE
    3. Run software and choose correct model
    4. Connect phone and power it ON - wait for totally turn on phone
    5. Press NCK for enter NCK code into phone
    6. Press in phone "Reset Unlock Code" and wait for finish operation
    7. Enter in phone 16 x 0 - 0000000000000000 and confirm entry
    8. Phone will ask for restart - confirm this
    9. Phone ulocked

    Movie from unlock process:

    Package contains:
    - Huawei JTAG adapter for Multi-BOX
  • Product weight: 0.02 kg.
    Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
    Shipping cost: 9.91 EUR


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    1. Offered by us accessories and replacement parts are not original phone producer parts, but they have been carefully choosen from list of producers to offer highest quality.

    2. Our company sale only hardware/HASP/Box - not software for it. Software can be found and downloaded directly from producers webpage.

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