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Activation Martech DST

Price: 75,00 EUR w/o VAT
Martech Box/Key SN :
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ID: 6861

Product Type: Digital Service

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Activation Martech DST is extremely easy in use application desgined for repairs and corrections of car dashes. To work with this you need to have Martech BOX + / CLIP/ LITE or Martech Key

Warning: Application is stricly for educational purposes and you are using it on your own responsibility.

Supported models:
- Suzuki Grand Vitara 2009 [24c16]
- Iveco [93S56]
- Toyota Corolla VDO [93s56]
- Audi A4 UKNSI [93s56]
- Audi A3 UKNSI [93c56]
- Audi A4 UKNSI 1997-1998 [93c56]
- Audi A6 UKNSI 1997-1998 [93c56]
- Opel Astra TRW [24c02]
- Volvo S40 [93c56]
- Volvo V40 [93c56]
- Volvo S60 2000-2001 [HC912D60]
- Volvo S70 2000 [HC912D60]
- Volvo S80 2000 [HC912D60]
- Volvo V70 2001 [HC912D60]
- Honda Accord 2000-2002 [93c56]
- Honda Accord Terano [93c46]
- Honda Accord 2004-2005 [93c56]
- Honda Accord 2006-2007 [93c66]
- Honda Accord 2007-2009 [93c76]
- Alfa_Romeo 156 v.1 to 2001 [HC711KG4]
- Alfa_Romeo 156 v.2 from 2001 [HC711KG4]
- Audi A8 VDO 1998 [93c66]
- Audi A8 VDO to 10.1996 [93c56]
- Audi A4 without MFA [93c46]
- Audi A4 with MFA [93c46]
- Audi A3 v.1 VDO 1997-1999 [93c66]
- Audi A4 v.1 VDO 1997-1999 [93c66]
- Audi A6 v.1 VDO 1997-1999 [93c66]
- Audi A6 1994-1997 [93c46]
- Audi 100 TDI 1995 [93c46]
- Audi A2 VDO 2001 [93c86]
- Audi A4 VDO 2000 [93lc86]
- Audi A6 VDO 1999-2001 [93c86]
- Audi A3 v.2 VDO 1997-1999 [93c66]
- Audi A4 v.2 VDO 1997-1999 [93c66]
- Audi A4 2000 [93lc86]
- Audi A6 v.2 VDO 1997-1999 [93c66]


- you must got Martech BOX II+/Clip/LITE or Martech Key to make this activation

Package contains:
- Martech DST activation
- invoice
Product weight: 0.00 kg.
Delivery time: to 24h hours (e-mail)
Shipping cost: 0,00 EUR


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See also

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Martech I2C SOIC for RCD + Martech I2C SOIC for RCD more
22.00 EUR w/o VAT
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Adapter XC1 for Martech Analyzer + Adapter XC1 for Martech Analyzer more
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2. Our company sale only hardware/HASP/Box - not software for it. Software can be found and downloaded directly from producers webpage.

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