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HCU + DC Phoenix Dongle

5 (1)
HCU + DC Phoenix Dongle
Price: 119,00 EUR w/o VAT


Available amount: 2

ID: 22199

Product weight: 0.10 kg

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HCU + DC Phoenix Dongle is a USB key that allows you to use the activation of HCU Client and DC Phoenix without the need to renew the license, ie time constraints. Thanks to the software, we have the possibility of full service by Huawei phones (HCU Client) as well as unlimited repairs of dead Huawei phones (eg Honor 7, Mate 7, Ascend) without undressing and doing any mechanical activities. From now on, repairing bootloop phones that hang on fastboot is not a problem - no matter if the device has a locked bootloader or is locked in FRP (DC Phoenix) mode.

Features of HCU Client:
- Support for HiSilicon, Qualcomm, MTK CPU based Huawei Android phones
- Repair IMEI, MEID, S/N, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Vendor, Country, Model and more
- Repair SIM-lock and software problems
- Unlock Huawei ID
- Read network unlock codes, read bootloader unlock code, lock / re-lock bootloader
- Read FRP unlock code
- Reset FRP
- Unlock network / SIM-lock
- Temporally unlock bootloader and FRP in Fastboot mode
- Automatic backup of phone serial number
- Repair empty board phone
- Read/Write RFNV Qualcomm
- Automatic repair of RSA keys
- Write single/dual SIM
- Repair IMEI1, IMEI2, IMEI3, MEID
- Full support for CDMA Huawei Android phones
- Enable downgrade function
- Remove limit for firmware version changes
- Works on any PC, no PC lock

Supported models by HCU Client:
Full list of supported models http://hcu-client.com/supported-models.php

- Ascend SnapTo (G620-A2)
- Ascend D2 (D2-0082)
- Ascend D2 (D2-2010)
- Ascend D2 (D2-5000)
- Ascend D2 (D2-6114)
- Ascend G300 (U8815-51)
- Ascend G300 (U8815-71)
- Ascend G300C (C8810)
- Ascend G330 (U8825)
- Ascend G330D (U8825D)
- Ascend G510 (G510-0010)
- Ascend G510 (G510-0100)
- Ascend G510 (G510-0200)
- Ascend G510 (G510-0251)
- Ascend G525 (G525-U00)
- Ascend G526 (G526-L11)
- Ascend G526 (G526-L22)
- Ascend G526 (G526-L33)
- Ascend G527 (G527-U081)
- Ascend G600 (U8950D)
- Ascend G610 (G610-C00)
- Ascend G610 (G610-T00)
- Ascend G610 (G610-T11)
- Ascend G610 (G610-U00)
- Ascend G610 (G610-U15)
- Ascend G610 (G610-U20)
- Ascend G610 (G610-U30)
- Ascend G615 (G615-U10)
- Ascend G620 (G620-L72)
- Ascend G620 (G620-L75)
- Ascend G620s (G620S-L01)
- Ascend G620s (G620S-L02)
- Ascend G620s (G620S-L03)
- Ascend G620s (G620S-UL00)
- Ascend G621 (G621-TL00)
- Ascend G621 (G621-TL00M)
- Ascend G630 (G630-T00)
- Ascend G630 (G630-U00)
- Ascend G630 (G630-U10)
- Ascend G630 (G630-U20)
- Ascend G630 (G630-U251)
- Ascend G630 (G630-U30)
- Ascend G7 (G7-L01)
- Ascend G7 (G7-L02)
- Ascend G7 (G7-L11)
- Ascend G7 (G7-UL10)
- Ascend G7 (G7-UL20)
- Ascend G7 (G760-L02)
- Ascend G7 (G760-L03)
- Ascend G7 (G760-TL00)
- Ascend G7 Plius (RIO-AL00)
- Ascend G7 Plius (RIO-CL00)
- Ascend G7 Plius (RIO-L01)
- Ascend G7 Plius (RIO-TL00)
- Ascend G7 Plius (RIO-UL00)
- Ascend G700 (G700-U20)
- Ascend G716 (G716-L070)
- Ascend G730 (G730-C00)
- Ascend G730 (G730-L072)
- Ascend G730 (G730-L073)
- Ascend G730 (G730-L075)
- Ascend G730 (G730-T00)
- Ascend G730 (G730-U00)
- Ascend G730 (G730-U10)
- Ascend G730 (G730-U251)
- Ascend G730 (G730-U27)
- Ascend G730 (G730-U30)
- Ascend G740 (G740-L00)
- Ascend G750 (G750-T00)
- Ascend G750 (G750-T01)
- Ascend G750 (G750-T20)
- Ascend G750 (G750-U10)
- Ascend G8 (RIO-L01)
- Ascend G8 (RIO-L02)
- Ascend G8 (RIO-L03)
- Ascend G8 (RIO-TL00)
- Ascend HW-01E (U9501L)
- Ascend HW-03E (D2-6070)
- Ascend P2 (P2-0000)
- Ascend P2 (P2-6011)
- Ascend P2 (P2-6013)
- Ascend P2 (P2-6070)
- Ascend P2 (U9700L)
- Ascend P6S (P6S-U00)
- Ascend P6S (P6S-U04)
- Ascend P6S (P6S-U06)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L00)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L05)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L07)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L09)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L10)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L11)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L12)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L15)
- Ascend P7 (P7-L18)
- Ascend Y100 (U8185)
- Ascend Y101 (U8186)
- Ascend Y200 (U8655)
- Ascend Y201 (U8666)
- Ascend Y201 (U8666E)
- Ascend Y201 (U8666E-21)
- Ascend Y210 (Y210-0100)
- Ascend Y210 (Y210-0151)
- Ascend Y300 (Y300-0000)
- Ascend Y300 (Y300-0100)
- Ascend Y300 (Y300-0151)
- Ascend Y300C (Y300C)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-C00)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U01)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U05)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U07)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U08)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U09)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U11)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U15)
- Ascend Y330 (Y330-U17)
- Ascend Y336 (Y336-A1)
- Ascend Y340 (Y340-U081)
- Ascend Y530 (Y530-U00)
- Ascend Y530 (Y530-U051)
- Ascend Y536 (Y536-A1)
- Ascend Y538 (Y538-A1)
- Ascend Y540 (Y540-U01)
- Ascend Y550 (Y550-L01)
- Ascend Y550 (Y550-L02)
- Ascend Y550 (Y550-L03)
- Ascend Y550 (Y550-L13)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-AL00)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-CL00)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-L01)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-L02)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-L03)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-L04)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-L21)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-L32)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-TL00)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-TL00H)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-TL10)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-TL10H)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-U03)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-U21)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-U23)
- Ascend Y6 (SCL-U31)
- Ascend Y635 (Y635-CL00)
- Ascend Y635 (Y635-L01)
- Ascend Y635 (Y635-L02)
- Ascend Y635 (Y635-L03)
- Ascend Y635 (Y635-L21)
- Ascend Y635 (Y635-TL00)
- B199 (B199)
- Boulder (U8350)
- Bucare (Y330-U05)
- Buddy (U8730)
- C199 Maimang (C199-CL00)
- C199s Maimang 3S (C199s-CL00)
- C8500 (C8500)
- C8511 (C8511)
- C8810 (C8810)
- C8812 (C8812)
- C8812D (C8812D)
- C8812E (C8812E)
- C8813 (C8813)
- C8813D (C8813D)
- C8813Q (C8813Q)
- C8814 (C8814)
- C8815 (C8815)
- C8816 (C8816)
- C8816D (C8816D)
- C8817D (C8817D)
- C8817E (C8817E)
- C8818 (C8818)
- C8860v (C8860v)
- C8869L (C8869L)
- Fusion (U8652)
- Fusion II (U8665)
- G Play (G735-L03)
- G Play (G735-L11)
- G Play (G735-L12)
- G Play (G735-L23)
- G Play Mini (CHC-U01)
- G Play Mini (CHC-U03)
- G Play Mini (CHC-U23)
- G6 (G6-C00)
- G6 (G6-L11)
- G6 (G6-L22)
- G6 (G6-L33)
- G6 (G6-U10)
- G6 (G6-U251)
- Gaga (U8180)
- GL07S (U9700L)
- Glory (H30-C00)
- Glory 4 (G750-T00)
- GR5 (KII-L21)
- GR5 (KII-L22)
- GR5 (KII-L23)
- GT3 (NMO-L01)
- GT3 (NMO-L02)
- GT3 (NMO-L03)
- GT3 (NMO-L21)
- GT3 (NMO-L22)
- GT3 (NMO-L23)
- GT3 (NMO-L31)
- GT3 (NMO-L51)
- H871G (H871G)
- H891L (H891L)
- H892C (Che-A1)
- H892L (Che-A1)
- Honor (U8660)
- Honor 3C (H30-L01)
- Honor 3C (H30-L01M)
- Honor 3C (H30-L02)
- Honor 3C (H30-L11)
- Honor 3C (H30-L11M)
- Honor 3C (H30-L12)
- Honor 3X (H30-L02)
- Honor 3X (H30-T00)
- Honor 3X (H30-T10)
- Honor 3X (H30-U10)
- Honor 4A (SCL-AL00)
- Honor 4A (SCL-CL00)
- Honor 4A (SCL-L01)
- Honor 4A (SCL-L02)
- Honor 4A (SCL-L03)
- Honor 4A (SCL-L04)
- Honor 4A (SCL-L21)
- Honor 4A (SCL-L32)
- Honor 4A (SCL-TL00)
- Honor 4A (SCL-TL00H)
- Honor 4A (SCL-TL10)
- Honor 4A (SCL-TL10H)
- Honor 4A (SCL-U03)
- Honor 4A (SCL-U21)
- Honor 4A (SCL-U23)
- Honor 4A (SCL-U31)
- Honor 4C (CHM-CL00)
- Honor 4C (CHM-CL10)
- Honor 4C (CHM-TL00)
- Honor 4C (CHM-TL00H)
- Honor 4C (CHM-TL10)
- Honor 4C (CHM-TL10H)
- Honor 4C (CHM-U01)
- Honor 4C (CHM-U23)
- Honor 4C (CHM-UL00)
- Honor 4C (CHM-UL10)
- Honor 4X (Cherry) (Che1-CL10)
- Honor 4X (Cherry) (Che1-CL20)
- Honor 4X (Cherry) (Che1-L04)
- Honor 4X (Cherry) (Che2-L03)
- Honor 4X (Cherry) (Che2-L11)
- Honor 4X (Cherry) (Che2-L12)
- Honor 4X (Cherry) (Che2-L23)
- Honor 5A (CAM-AL00)
- Honor 5A (CAM-CL00)
- Honor 5A (CAM-L03)
- Honor 5A (CAM-L03E)
- Honor 5A (CAM-L21)
- Honor 5A (CAM-L22)
- Honor 5A (CAM-L23)
- Honor 5A (CAM-L32)
- Honor 5A (CAM-L53)
- Honor 5A (CAM-TL00)
- Honor 5A (CAM-TL00E)
- Honor 5A (CAM-TL00H)
- Honor 5A (CAM-U22)
- Honor 5A (CAM-UL00)
- Honor 5A (CAM-UL00E)
- Honor 5C (NEM-AL00)
- Honor 5C (NEM-AL10)
- Honor 5C (NEM-CL00)
- Honor 5C (NEM-L21)
- Honor 5C (NEM-L22)
- Honor 5C (NEM-L31)
- Honor 5C (NEM-L51)
- Honor 5C (NEM-TL00)
- Honor 5C (NEM-TL00H)
- Honor 5C (NEM-UL10)
- Honor 5X (KIW-AL10)
- Honor 5X (KIW-AL10G)
- Honor 5X (KIW-AL20)
- Honor 5X (KIW-CL00)
- Honor 5X (KIW-L21)
- Honor 5X (KIW-L22)
- Honor 5X (KIW-L23)
- Honor 5X (KIW-L24)
- Honor 5X (KIW-TL00)
- Honor 5X (KIW-TL00H)
- Honor 5X (KIW-UL00)
- Honor 6 (H60-J1)
- Honor 6 (H60-L01)
- Honor 6 (H60-L02)
- Honor 6 (H60-L03)
- Honor 6 (H60-L04)
- Honor 6 (H60-L11)
- Honor 6 (H60-L12)
- Honor 6 (H60-L21)
- Honor 6 plus (PE-TL00M)
- Honor 6 plus (PE-TL10)
- Honor 6 plus (PE-TL20)
- Honor 6X (BLN-AL10)
- Honor 6X (BLN-AL10A)
- Honor 6X (BLN-AL10B)
- Honor 6X (BLN-AL10C)
- Honor 6X (BLN-L21)
- Honor 6X (BLN-L21HN)
- Honor 6X (BLN-L22)
- Honor 6X (BLN-L22HN)
- Honor 6X (BLN-L23)
- Honor 6X (BLN-TL00)
- Honor 6X (BLN-TL10)
- Honor 7 (PLK-AL10)
- Honor 7 (PLK-C00)
- Honor 7 (PLK-L01)
- Honor 7 (PLK-L11)
- Honor 7 (PLK-L21)
- Honor 7 (PLK-TL00)
- Honor 7 (PLK-TL01H)
- Honor 7 (PLK-TL11H)
- Honor 7 (PLK-UL00)
- Honor 7 (PLK-UL00IN)
- Honor 7 (PLK-UL10)
- Honor 7 Lite (NEM-L21)
- Honor 7i (ATH-AL00)
- Honor 7i (ATH-CL00)
- Honor 7i (ATH-TL00)
- Honor 7i (ATH-TL00H)
- Honor 7i (ATH-UL00)
- Honor 7i (ATH-UL01)
- Honor 7i (ATH-UL06)
- Honor 7i (ATH-UL11)
- Honor 7i (ATH-UL16)
- Honor 8 (FRD-AL00)
- Honor 8 (FRD-AL00A)
- Honor 8 (FRD-AL10)
- Honor 8 (FRD-DL00)
- Honor 8 (FRD-L02)
- Honor 8 (FRD-L04)
- Honor 8 (FRD-L09)
- Honor 8 (FRD-L19)
- Honor 8 (FRD-TL00)
- Honor Play 4X (Che2-UL00)
- Honor Play 4X (Che2-UL10)
- Honor Spree 4X (Cherry) (Che2-TL00)
- Honor Spree 4X (Cherry) (Che2-TL00H)
- Honor Spree 4X (Cherry) (Che2-TL00M)
- Honor Spree 4X (Cherry) (Che2-TL10)
- Honor Spree 4X (Cherry) (Che2-TL10M)
- Honor V8 Premium Edition (KNT-AL20)
- Huawei Ascend Alek 4G (G620S-L01)
- Huawei Ascend Alek 4G (G620S-L02)
- Huawei Ascend Alek 4G (G620S-L03)
- Huawei Ascend D (U9501L)
- Huawei Ascend G312 QWERTY (U8730)
- Huawei Honor Note 8 Premium Edition (EDI-AL10)
- Huawei Honor Note 8 Standard Edition (EDI-DL00)
- Huawei Kestrel EE (G535-L11)
- Huawei P1 LTE (U9202L-1)
- Huawei P1 LTE (U9202L-2)
- Huawei P1 LTE (U9202L-3)
- Huawei P1 LTE (U9202L-4)
- Ideos Chat (U8300)
- Ideos U8150 (U8150)
- Ideos X1 (U8180-1)
- Ideos X2 (U8500-1)
- Ideos X3 (U8510-1)
- Ideos X3 (U8510-7)
- Ideos X5 (U8800-PRO)
- Ivy (U8100/IVY)
- Jengu (U8652)
- Joy (U8120)
- Juni (U8300)
- M931 (M931)
- Mate 2 (MT2-C00)
- Mate 2 (MT2-L00)
- Mate 2 (MT2-L01)
- Mate 2 (MT2-L02)
- Mate 2 (MT2-L03)
- Mate 2 (MT2-L05)
- Mate 2 (MT2-U071)
- MATE 7 (MT7-CL00)
- MATE 7 (MT7-L09)
- MATE 7 (MT7-L11)
- MATE 7 (MT7-TL00)
- MATE 7 (MT7-TL10)
- MATE 7 (MT7-TL10A)
- MATE 7 (MT7-TL20)
- MATE 7 (MT7-UL00)
- MATE 8 (NXT-AL10A)
- MATE 8 (NXT-AL10B)
- MATE 8 (NXT-AL10C)
- MATE 8 (NXT-CL00A)
- MATE 8 (NXT-CL00B)
- MATE 8 (NXT-DL00A)
- MATE 8 (NXT-DL00B)
- MATE 8 (NXT-L09A)
- MATE 8 (NXT-L09B)
- MATE 8 (NXT-L29A)
- MATE 8 (NXT-L29B)
- MATE 8 (NXT-TL00A)
- MATE 8 (NXT-TL00B)
- MATE S (CRR-L09)
- MediaPad M2 (M2-801L)
- MediaPad M2 (M2-801w)
- MediaPad M2 (M2-802L)
- MediaPad M2 (M2-803L)
- MediaPad M2 (M2-A01L)
- MediaPad M3 (BTV-DL09)
- MediaPad M3 (BTV-W09)
- MediaPad T1 10.0 (T1-A21L)
- MediaPad T1 10.0 (T1-A22L)
- MediaPad T1 10.0 (T1-A23L)
- MediaPad T1 8.0 (S8-701u)
- MediaPad T1 8.0 (S8-702u)
- MediaPad T1 8.0 (T1-821w)
- MediaPad T1 8.0 Pro (T1-821L)
- MediaPad T1 8.0 Pro (T1-823L)
- MediaPad X2 (GEM-701L)
- MediaPad X2 (GEM-702L)
- MediaPad X2 (GEM-703L)
- MediaPad X2 (GEM-703LT)
- MediaPad YOUTH2 (YOUTH2-2U)
- MediaPad YOUTH2 (YOUTH2-U)
- MetroPCS M835 (M835)
- MTS NEO (U8800)
- Net10 (H871G)
- Optimus Stockholm (U8180)
- Orange Barcelona (U8350-3)
- Orange Daytona (G510)
- Orange Dive 70 (SCL-L01)
- Orange Stockholm (U8180)
- Orange Tactile Internet (U8100)
- P8 (GRA-CL00)
- P8 (GRA-CL10)
- P8 (GRA-L03)
- P8 (GRA-L09)
- P8 (GRA-L13)
- P8 (GRA-TL00)
- P8 (GRA-TL10)
- P8 (GRA-UL00)
- P8 (GRA-UL10)
- P8lite (ALE-CL00)
- P8lite (ALE-L01)
- P8lite (ALE-L02)
- P8lite (ALE-L03)
- P8lite (ALE-L04)
- P8lite (ALE-L21)
- P8lite (ALE-L22)
- P8lite (ALE-L23)
- P8lite (ALE-L32)
- P8lite (ALE-L34)
- P8lite (ALE-L52)
- P8lite (ALE-L53)
- P8lite (ALE-L62)
- P8lite (ALE-TL00)
- P8lite (ALE-UL00)
- P8max (DAV-701L)
- P8max (DAV-702L)
- P8max (DAV-703L)
- P8max (DAV-713L)
- P9 (EVA-AL00)
- P9 (EVA-AL10)
- P9 (EVA-L09)
- P9 (EVA-L09J)
- P9 (EVA-L19)
- P9 (EVA-L29)
- P9 (EVA-TL00)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L01)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L02)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L03)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L11)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L21)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L22)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L31)
- P9 Lite (VNS-L53)
- P9 Lite (VNS-TL00)
- P9 Plus (VIE-AL10B)
- P9 Plus (VIE-AL10C)
- P9 Plus (VIE-L09)
- P9 Plus (VIE-L29)
- Phoenix (U8680)
- Raven (Che-A1)
- Selina (U8110)
- SFR Starshine (U8180)
- SoftBank Huawei 204HW (Y300-J1)
- Sonic (U8650-1)
- Stream S 302HW (P6S-L04)
- T-Mobile Ascend G312 (U8680)
- T-Mobile Comet (U8150D)
- T-Mobile myTouch (U8680)
- T-Mobile myTouch Q (U8730)
- T-Mobile Prism (U8651T)
- T-Mobile Prism II (U8686-1)
- T-Mobile Pulse (U8220)
- T-Mobile Pulse mini (U8110)
- T-Mobile Rapport (U8180)
- T-Mobile Summit (U8651TS)
- U8100 (U8100-U)
- U8105 (U8105)
- U8109 (U8109)
- U8110 (U8110)
- U8120 (U8120)
- U8160 (U8160-U)
- U8180 (U8180)
- U8185 (U8185)
- U8186 (U8186)
- U8220 (U8220)
- U8230 (U8230)
- U8300 (U8300)
- U8350 (U8350)
- U8500 (U8500)
- U8510 (U8510)
- U8600 (U8600)
- U8650 (U8650)
- U8651 (U8651)
- U8651S (U8651S)
- U8651T (U8651T)
- U8652 (U8652)
- U8655 (U8655)
- U8665 (U8665)
- U8666 (U8666)
- U8680 (U8680)
- U8681 (U8681)
- U8685D (U8685D)
- U8686 (U8686)
- U8730 (U8730)
- U8800 (U8800)
- U8800 Pro (U8800-PRO)
- U8815 (U8815)
- U8816 (U8816-1)
- U8825 (U8825)
- U8825D (U8825D)
- U8860 (U8660)
- U8950 (U8950)
- U8950-1 (U8950-1)
- U8950D (U8950D)
- U8951D (U8951D)
- U9501L (U9501L)
- U9700l (U9700l)
- U9701L (U9701L)
- UM840 (UM840)
- Valiant (Y301-A1)
- Vitria (Y301-A2)
- Vodafone 845 (U8120/V845)
- Vodafone 858 Smart (U8160)
- W1 (Windows phone) (W1-C00)
- W1 (Windows phone) (W1-U00)
- W1 (Windows phone) (W1-U34)
- W2 (Windows phone) (H883G)
- W2 (Windows phone) (W2-T00)
- W2 (Windows phone) (W2-T01)
- W2 (Windows phone) (W2-U00)
- W2 (Windows phone) (W2-U051)
- Y6II (CAM-L03)
- Y6II (CAM-L03E)
- Y6II (CAM-L21)
- Y6II (CAM-L22)
- Y6II (CAM-L23)
- Y6II (CAM-L32)
- Y6II (CAM-L53)
- Z100 (Z100-CL00)
- Z100 (Z100-L09)

Features of DC Phoenix
Full list of supported models available at https://www.dc-unlocker.com/supportedmodelsdcpx.php

- Full access for DC-Phoenix
- Huge support area with thousands of firmware, customization and conversion package files
- Programming completely bricked phone with TestPoint
- Programming in upgrade mode
- Programming in Fastboot mode
- Programming when only Huawei COM 1.0 is visible
- Programming when only Qualcomm 9008 service port is visible
- Repair Huawei firmware problems (bricked, bootloop, stuck in Fastboot mode, etc.)
- Write firmware in Fastboot mode with locked bootloader and locked FRP
- Support for stock firmwares, customizations (*.APP)
- Support original Board Software (.xml)
- Extract partitions from APP firmwares
- Write partitions in Fastboot mode with created config file
- OEMINFO and NV partition protection from erasing in standard mode
- Write partition for locked phone's OEMINFO and NV backup
- Convert Huawei demo phone to normal
- Huge HiSilicon NV partition backup selection available
- Board firmware (factory repair) files with TestPoint images
- Change phone's region
- Best support from DC Unlocker team (more than 10 years of experience with Huawei)

Screenshots from application:

Complete contains:
- HCU/ DC Phoenix USB dongle


Producer offer 6 months warranty for this device.
Product weight: 0.10 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 9.95 EUR



Additional information about this product:

Information concerning features of this tool :
Developer provides support only for those phones which are on the list of supported. Not all servicing features can be applied to some supported models, due to difference of hardware / software versions. Complete list of supported models you can find on the official product page, or on the GSM forum (GSMHosting).

Information concerning technical requiments :
The correct use of the purchased goods is required to have a stable internet connection with min . capacity of 1024 kb / s ( download) and 512 kb / s ( upload) . Before you attempt to make software update on the device or want to activate/use service, make sure that you have a sufficient link parameters .

Information concerning the interoperability of digital content:
For using a software or a piece of software that the manufacturer supplies with purchased hardware, in some cases it’s required that you disable your Firewall ( in software or router) and antivirus software. Leaving it enabled can occurs inproper operation of software / services and you will get communications errors like “Error 10060”.

Information concerning hardware requiments:
For proper working with this device producer suggest PC computer with 32-bit Windows XP operating system. We don't guarantee that software/device will work or any other system - especially 64-bit systems, iMac, Linux.

Information concerning IMEI change:
We want to inform that IMEI change option in softwares are intended to use only to repair broken IMEI and retrieve it to original state. It's prohibitted to use this function to change IMEI to diffrent that original. Multi-COM don't answer to any questions related with operation on IMEI number - if you require help in this metter please contact with software/device producer directly. We don't take any responsibility to use this function.
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1. Offered by us accessories and replacement parts are not original phone producer parts, but they have been carefully choosen from list of producers to offer highest quality.

2. Our company sale only hardware/HASP/Box - not software for it. Software can be found and downloaded directly from producers webpage.

3. All trademarks mentioned on this site are property of their respective companies. Including product names, logos, commercial symbols, trade names and slogans are trademarks of those respective or related companies, and are protected by international trademark laws, and they are used here only for information purpose.


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