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Service boxes and dongles - MFC Dongle

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iPower Adaptor for MFC Dongle
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iPower Adaptor for MFC Dongle

iPower Adaptor for MFC Dongle is needed if you need to unlock Apple iPhone iOS 8.0.x - 8.1 devices. This update will try one code after each phone will restart. The restart is performed automatically using the iPower adaptor by MFC Box Team. Please read full details from instruction and check support forum before you do unlock your device. The reboot time depends on the phone (newer models reboot faster). Usually is about 40 seconds(E.g.iPhone 5). Maximum time is 4.6 days in this way from 0 to 9999(111 hours).

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Price: 55.00 EUR w/o VAT
MFC Dongle
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MFC Dongle

MFC Dongle allows you to get user password on iPhone 4,4s, 5, 5s, 5c (V7.1.1/ V7.1.2) and HTC/Samsung Android mobile phones (V4.3+). MFC Dongle does not require resetting your device which entails deleting data and reverts the device to factory settings. MFC Dongle keeps your device's data and allows to get the passcode easily.

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Price: 299.00 EUR w/o VAT