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Main page > GSM Tools > Programmers / JTAG > eMMC/UFS ICFriend AndroidKing Adapter Set 9in1 + AK5

JTAG programmers, adapters and devices for communication with mobile phones. UFS / eMMC device programmer designed to read / write and repair data using both the ISP and Direct method. Communication takes place in various JTAG, SD or MPHY protocols. VR-TABLE enables communication, reading and writing of memory via EMMS, JTAG or communication in FBUS mode.

eMMC/UFS ICFriend AndroidKing Adapter Set 9in1 + AK5

eMMC/UFS ICFriend AndroidKing Adapter Set 9in1 + AK5
Price: 229,00 EUR w/o VAT
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ID: 22726

Product weight: 1.00 kg

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eMMC/UFS ICFriend AndroidKing Adapter Set 9in1 + AK5 is a set of eMMC / UFS adapters for reading eMMC and UFS bones along with AK5 (Easy JTAG Plus) adapter. The set allows to read nearly 90% of BGA chips available on the market, such as eMMC / eMCP BGA 153, 169, 162, 221, 254, 186 as well as UFS BGA 153, 254, 95 chips




Set contains:
Main adapter eMMC/UFS Adapter 
Connection adapter UFS AK5 Easy Z3x Plus withour cypto module installed
AK-eMMC BGA 153-169 
AK-eMMC BGA 254 
AK-eMMC BGA 221 
AK-eMMC BGA 162-186 
AK-UFS BGA 254-BGA 95 
Limiters:7.5*9, 11*10, 11.5*13, 12*15, 12*16

NOTE: To read UFS chips with the Z3x, it is necessary to solder encryption chip from original adapter to the AK5 adapter. This will allow us to support all UFS systems - 153, 95 and 254
The manufacturer offers a 6-month warranty for this device
Product weight: 1.00 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 16.80 EUR



Additional information about this product:

Information concerning technical requiments :
The correct use of the purchased goods is required to have a stable internet connection with min . capacity of 1024 kb / s ( download) and 512 kb / s ( upload) . Before you attempt to make software update on the device or want to activate/use service, make sure that you have a sufficient link parameters .

Information concerning the interoperability of digital content:
For using a software or a piece of software that the manufacturer supplies with purchased hardware, in some cases it’s required that you disable your Firewall ( in software or router) and antivirus software. Leaving it enabled can occurs inproper operation of software / services and you will get communications errors like “Error 10060”.

Information concerning hardware requiments:
For proper working with this device producer suggest PC computer with 32-bit Windows XP operating system. We don't guarantee that software/device will work or any other system - especially 64-bit systems, iMac, Linux.

Information concerning IMEI change:
We want to inform that IMEI change option in softwares are intended to use only to repair broken IMEI and retrieve it to original state. It's prohibitted to use this function to change IMEI to diffrent that original. Multi-COM don't answer to any questions related with operation on IMEI number - if you require help in this metter please contact with software/device producer directly. We don't take any responsibility to use this function.
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