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MFC Dongle

5 (1)
MFC Dongle
Price: 299,00 EUR w/o VAT
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ID: 16013

Product weight: 0.50 kg

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MFC Dongle allows you to get user password on iPhone 4,4s, 5, 5s, 5c (V7.1.1/ V7.1.2) and HTC/Samsung Android mobile phones (V4.3+). MFC Dongle does not require resetting your device which entails deleting data and reverts the device to factory settings. MFC Dongle keeps your device's data and allows to get the passcode easily.

A screen lock passcode is a good security measure. If you forget this passcode, One last-resort solution to this is resetting your device which deletes all your data and reverts the device to factory settings. From right now MFC Dongle with a special solution will never lost or distroy device Data which can automatically get the passcode easily.


Supported models:

  • Apple
    iPhone 4
    iPhone 4s
    iPhone 5
    iPhone 5s
    iPhone 5c
    Mac Book

  • Samsung

  • Android - version: 4.3+

  • HTC

  • Android - version: 4.3+

    About Samsung Android 4.3+ tested on Samsung Galaxy S5

    Request for Version 1.0.3 or newer
    This update will try 5 codes then 30 seconds of waiting
    About 40 seconds / 5 codes (22 hours to try all codes) in some mobile phones the delay between codes will increase up to 10 seconds with more wrong codes so delay between codes must be around 10000ms(10seconds) so the waiting time will be 44 hours not 22. You must adjust the delay accordingly.
    How to:
    Connect the light sensor to the darkest place on the screen
    Insert MFC dongle
    Wait until unlock is ok (usually the MFC dongle will stop at that point)
    Press read in MFC dongle update software and connect MFC dongle to computer to read the unlock codes

    About HTC Android 4.3+ tested on HTC One

    It will try 5 codes then wait 30 seconds while keeping the screen on ,about 40 seconds for 5 codes (22 hours for all 4 digits possible codes)
    How to:
    Unlock phone and go to the phone lock screen and insert MFC Dongle, Future update ... add code detection using light sensor

    About Apple iPhone Version iOS 7.1.1 ?

    Using this method unlock time si maximum 13.5 hours for all 9999 possible codes (1 codes each 5 seconds)
    How To:
    update MFC dongle using Update 1 - iOS 7.1.1
    write the appropriate settings using the software (the delay in milliseconds is 5000 for iOS 7.1.1) 5 seconds / code
    connect the light sensor to the phone in a blank area (blue)
    put a sim card inside the phone
    call the sim card number
    answer on the iPhone then go to Contacts
    when the lock code is required insert MFC Dongle
    if you get the message accessory not supported just press ok. Another message might also appear after first minute so you need to press ok to that too otherwise you might miss some codes during the time the message is displayed.
    when we reach the correct code the screen will change to Contacts screen thus triggering the light sensor and the process will stop
    you can now connect the MFC dongle to computer and click read button.

    About Apple iPhone Version iOS 7.1.2 Auto Method ?

    This will be request for Version 1.0.3 or new version.
    This update will automatically try to find the code and require no user intervention.
    Just connect MFC dongle to phone and unlocking will start.
    The light sensor must be connected in such a way that after unlocking is done the light sensor will detect more like that initially detected. Usually this can be achieved if the light sensor is placed in the left top corner, where the message icon will be displayed after unlock.
    The delay must be at least 4500 for correct function.

    About Apple iPhone Version iOS 7.1.2 manual Method (phone is disabled)?

    This update will help you unlock your phone code even if the phone is disabled after too many retries.
    The default delay for this update is about 4300 ms (4.3 seconds).
    Update your MFC dongle using this update and connect the light sensor on the top right side of the iPhone screen.
    Go to the phone disable screen and connect MFC dongle to phone and wait 5 seconds.
    Swipe with your finger to go to Emergency calling.
    The MFC dongle will automatically detect the swipe and try the next available code.
    Then the phone will automatically come back to the phone lock screen.
    To continue swipe again to the emergency screen and so on until your phone is unlocked.

    Downloading and installing drivers.

    1. Download and unzip MicrosoftRedistributables.zip to the mfc-dongle folder you made
    go in the MicrosoftRedistributables folder and install vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe

    2. Download and unzip DongleDrivers.zip to the mfc-dongle folder you made
    go in the DongleDrivers foldr and run the InstallDriver.exe

    To install the dongle update driver you need to connect MFC dongle to computer in BOOT MODE.
    Use the red cable to bridge the 2 points together P0 and GND (see images below) and once done, connect the dongle to your PC
    Once drivers are installed you can now disconnect the dongle

    Set contains:
    - MFC Dongle with USB OTG Cable - 1 pc.
    - Sensor Adaptor - 1 pc.
    - OTG Cable (for Samsung, HTC and iPhone) - 3 pcs.
    - Data Cable - 3 pcs.
Product weight: 0.50 kg.
Delivery time: 14-28 working days from shiping date
Shipping cost: 10.20 EUR



Additional information about this product:

Information concerning features of this tool :
Developer provides support only for those phones which are on the list of supported. Not all servicing features can be applied to some supported models, due to difference of hardware / software versions. Complete list of supported models you can find on the official product page, or on the GSM forum (GSMHosting).

Information concerning technical requiments :
The correct use of the purchased goods is required to have a stable internet connection with min . capacity of 1024 kb / s ( download) and 512 kb / s ( upload) . Before you attempt to make software update on the device or want to activate/use service, make sure that you have a sufficient link parameters .

Information concerning the interoperability of digital content:
For using a software or a piece of software that the manufacturer supplies with purchased hardware, in some cases it’s required that you disable your Firewall ( in software or router) and antivirus software. Leaving it enabled can occurs inproper operation of software / services and you will get communications errors like “Error 10060”.

Information concerning hardware requiments:
For proper working with this device producer suggest PC computer with 32-bit Windows XP operating system. We don't guarantee that software/device will work or any other system - especially 64-bit systems, iMac, Linux.

Information concerning IMEI change:
We want to inform that IMEI change option in softwares are intended to use only to repair broken IMEI and retrieve it to original state. It's prohibitted to use this function to change IMEI to diffrent that original. Multi-COM don't answer to any questions related with operation on IMEI number - if you require help in this metter please contact with software/device producer directly. We don't take any responsibility to use this function.
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1. Offered by us accessories and replacement parts are not original phone producer parts, but they have been carefully choosen from list of producers to offer highest quality.

2. Our company sale only hardware/HASP/Box - not software for it. Software can be found and downloaded directly from producers webpage.

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